
Database site for theatrical productions and playtexts

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION



A database-driven site that provides listings for theatrical productions, playtexts and associated data.

The site has not been built using best practices (i.e. no testing; methods not fully utilised; no use of MVC; not object-oriented) and will be rebuilt using a Ruby on Rails framework, but serves as a template for how the site should behave.

Site overview:


  • Title
  • Material (i.e. The Seagull (play))
  • Playtext (i.e. The Seagull (2012))
  • Dates (preview / press night / booking until / final performance)
  • Theatre
  • Class (professional / amateur / drama school)
  • Touring (legs / overview)
  • Collections (segments / overview)
  • Plays in repertory with
  • Previous/subsequent runs
  • Production version (world premiere; return; West End transfer, etc.)
  • Text version (new; revival; new adaptation; abridged text, etc.)
  • Category (play; musical; monologue; opera; ballet, etc.)
  • Genre (Shakespearean tragedy; Ancient Greek; farce; Restoration comedy; In-yer-face theatre, etc.)
  • Features (all male cast (if unconventional); modernised setting; site specific; Spanish language, etc.)
  • Themes (global warming; regicide; insomnia, etc.)
  • Setting: time, location & place (Easter 1962, bedsit, Knightsbridge)
  • Writers (company & people, inc. source material)
  • Producers (company & people)
  • Performers (company & people) and corresponding characters portrayed
  • Understudies (company & people) and corresponding characters portrayed
  • Musicians(company & people)
  • Creative team (company & people)
  • Production team (company & people)
  • Season (i.e. David Hare season (Sheffield Theatres))
  • Festival (i.e. RSC Complete Works Festival)
  • Course (i.e. Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA): 3 Year Acting (2006-09))
  • Reviews (critic, publication and URL link to online review)
  • Awards


  • Title
  • Material (i.e. The Seagull (play))
  • Text version (i.e. original text; new translation; abridged text, etc.)
  • Year written
  • Collections (segments / overview / collected works)
  • Writers (company & people, inc. source material)
  • Contributors (company & people) (in relation to publication of text)
  • Category (play; musical; monologue, etc.)
  • Genre (Shakespearean tragedy; Ancient Greek; farce; Restoration comedy; In-yer-face theatre, etc.)
  • Features (modernised setting; site specific; Spanish language, etc.)
  • Themes (global warming; regicide; insomnia, etc.)
  • Setting: time, location & place (Easter 1962, bedsit, Knightsbridge)
  • Cast required
  • Characters
  • Licensors
  • Productions of the playtext listings
  • Awards (for the playtext and productions of the playtext)


  • Name
  • Building location
  • Type (West End; fringe; regional; studio, etc.)
  • Theatre owners
  • Subtheatres (i.e. National Theatre: Olivier Theatre / Royal Court Theatre: Jerwood Theatre Downstairs, etc.)
  • Capacity
  • Opening/closing dates
  • Production listings


  • Award grantor (i.e. Laurence Olivier Awards)
  • Award ceremony (i.e. grantor and year: Laurence Olivier Awards 2015)
  • Award categories (specifically within ceremony and history of a given award category)
  • Category nominees: productions; playtexts; companies; people
  • Ceremony venue and date


  • Name (trading and registered)
  • Base location
  • Company type (i.e. subsidised theatre; commercial theatre; literary agency)
  • Company members and corresponding roles
  • Production and playtext listings (in various roles)
  • Awards
  • Clients represented (as agency)
  • Drama school courses coordinated
  • Theatre owned


  • Name
  • Sex
  • Ethnicity
  • Place of origin
  • Profession within the industry
  • Production and playtext listings (in various roles)
  • Awards
  • Representation (agency and agent) / Clients represented (as agent)
  • Drama school courses coordinated / as staff / as student


  • Name
  • Sex
  • Age / range
  • Description
  • Ethnicity
  • Place of origin
  • Profession
  • Attributes (physical and characteristics)
  • Abilities
  • Playtexts in which character appears
  • Productions in which character has been portrayed

Drama school course

  • Course type (3 Year Acting; 2 Year Directing, etc.)
  • Course start/end dates
  • Course coordinators (company & people)
  • Course staff
  • Students
  • Production listings


  • Name
  • Production listings


  • Name
  • Production listings


  • Name
  • Format (play; operetta; musical; novel; screenplay, etc.; encompasses material when used as source material)
  • Production and playtext listings

Production version

  • Description
  • Production and playtext listings

Text version

  • Description
  • Production and playtext listings


  • Description
  • Production and playtext listings


  • Description
  • Related genres (i.e. Shakespearean history -> Shakespearean theatre, Elizabethan theatre)
  • Production and playtext listings


  • Description
  • Production and playtext listings


  • Description
  • Broader themes (i.e. Normandy landings -> World War II, World War, War)
  • Production and playtext listings

Setting: Location

  • Name
  • Related locations (i.e. Derbyshire -> England, UK, Europe)
  • Sunsequently/previously (i.e. Constantinople subsequently Istanbul)
  • Production and playtext listings
  • Person and character listings (originated from location)
  • Theatre and company listings (based at location)

Setting: Place

  • Name
  • Related places (i.e. Airport cafe -> Airport, Cafe)
  • Production and playtext listings

Setting: Time

  • Description
  • Date(s)
  • Related times (i.e. 1993 -> 1990s, 20th Century)
  • Production and playtext listings


  • Description
  • Related ethnicities (i.e. Rutul -> Russian; Han -> Chinese; Yoruba -> African)
  • Person and character listings


  • Description
  • Related professions (i.e. King of England -> King, Royalty; Literary agent -> Agent)
  • Person and character listings


  • Description
  • Related attributes (i.e. Pentecostal -> Protestant Christian, Christian)
  • Character listings


  • Description
  • Character listings

Technologies used:

  • PHP
  • SQL with MySQL database
  • HTML
  • CSS3

Site setup (for Mac OS X)

Installing MySQL

  • Visit the MySQL Downloads page
  • Visit page of download links
  • Download file (Mac OS X 10.5 (x86) is a safe bet (although seemingly deprecated)) and go through MySQL installation process
  • Launch MySQL server via terminal: $ sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe; then Ctrl + Z (stops process); then $ bg (to run in background)
  • To shut down MySQL server: $ sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin shutdown OR install file MySQL.prefPane (received with installation files) to install new pane in System Preferences (start/shut server via button click)
  • Install MySQLStartupItem.pkg (to launch MySQL server automatically on system restart)
  • Delete the MySQL installation disk icon and .dmg file
  • Following commands to run mysqladmin and mysql in terminal without having to type full paths: $ sudo su; then password; then $ echo '/usr/local/mysql/bin' >> /etc/paths.d/mysql; then $ exit
  • Close terminal window; reopen (to effect change); then with MySQL server running type: $ mysqladmin status; success confirmed with display of MySQL server stats list

Installing PHP

  • Open System Preferences; click Sharing (under Internet & Network); ensure Web Sharing is checked; quit System Preferences; visit http://localhost (should display Apache welcome message)
  • In Finder menu bar, choose Go > Go to folder (⇧+⌘+G); type /private/etc/apache2; click Go
  • Right click Apache configuration file httpd.conf and choose Get Info (⌘+I); scroll to bottom of httpd.conf Info window to find Sharing and Permissions setting; click padlock icon to enable settings (enter password when prompted)
  • To make file editable, change Privilege for everyone to Read & Write
  • In Finder window for apache2 folder, right-click in background and choose Get Info; set Sharing & Permissions for everyone to Read & Write
  • Open httpd.conf file in a text editor and enable below two lines by deleting leading hash (#):
#LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so
#LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so
  • Save changes to file and quit; reset privileges in httpd.conf file and apache2 folder
  • Enter in terminal to restart Apache: $ sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart; type password when prompted
  • Visit http://localhost to ensure Apache is still running
  • Edit PHP configuration file php.ini (to tell PHP how to connect to MySQL server); no default file in Mac OS X, so in terminal: $ cd /private/etc; then $ sudo cp php.ini.default php.ini; enter password when prompted
  • To make php.ini file editable, in Finder use Go > Go to folder to open /private/etc to modify the php.ini file and its parent folder
  • Open php.ini file with text editor and amend mysql.default_socket and mysqli.default_socket options to read:
mysql.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
mysqli.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
  • Save changes to file and quit; reset privileges in php.ini file and parent folder
  • Open terminal and type following to restart Apache once more: $ sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart; type password when prompted
  • Visit http://localhost to ensure all well


  • In terminal enter following to view basic MySQL server stats: $ mysqladmin -u root status
  • Set a root password for MySQL: $ mysqladmin -u root -p password "newpassword"
  • Click Enter when prompted to enter current root MySQL user
  • Check password security created: $ mysqladmin -u root -p status; enter new password when prompted (now required and entry made possible with -p switch)

Access MySQL

  • In terminal enter: $ mysql -u root -p; enter password when prompted

Create database

Next steps:

Listed here


Home page

Home page













Setting (location)

Setting (location)