libmediascan is an evolution of the work done on the Perl modules Audio::Scan and Image::Scale: The basic goals of libmediascan are: * Extend the high-quality audio metadata scanners in Audio::Scan to video and image files. * Determine DLNA profile information during scanning by including code from libdlna. * Generate audio, video, and image thumbnails at scan-time. * Support OS-specific change notification methods on OSX, Linux, and Windows for background directory watching. * Develop a comprehensive test suite. * Deliver a standalone C library that may be useful to non-Perl projects. * Include Perl bindings with the library, other bindings if any contributors are interested. Longer-term plans: * Explore asynchronous scanning using threads. The library depends on FFmpeg to handle video files, libjpeg/libpng/libgif for image and thumbnail support, and libexif for JPEG tags.