UI Library
This is a collection of UI's created by myself. The goal is to design and create a UI Element every couple weeks and release it to the public. Each element created will include a .sketch
version and specific documentations on getting everything set up properly.
- Elevation - Material design elevation sass mixin.
- Ripple - Material design ripple effect.
- Login Form - A material inspired login modal.
- Tabs - A material inspired tabs modal.
Bugs & Improvements
Spotted a bug or find something I should improve on? Feel free to create an issue and I'll get to it!
Please follow the following format when creating an issue:
Issue Format:
UI Element :: Short Discription
Example Issue:
Login Form :: Font's are missing!
Got a suggestion?
If you have a suggestion on a certain UI that you'd like to see, feel free to email at hello@andytran.me
with the heading UI Library - Suggestion
. You will most likely see your idea pop up in this repo eventually!
Copyright & License
All code, design, and documentation Copyright © 2015 Andy Tran. Everything is released under the MIT license.