
web crawlers and perceptron neural network with backpropagation

Primary LanguagePython

Web Crawler

  • Air Quality Index

    • Reads information in Korean format, and undergoes processing steps (KOR-ENG translation, contextual correction)
    • packages: googletrans, bs4, urllib
    • Command (with arguments)
      python AQI_crawler.py -c seoul -n kr
      python AQI_crawler.py -c usa -n newyork
      ** -c: city, -n: country
      ** the website path flow is a bit inconsistent across cities.
      NewYork Seoul
  • Google Search

    • Searches for a user-specified query with proper HTTP header and maps links to found result title in JSON format.
    • packages: requests, bs4
    • Command (with arguments)
      python google_crawler.py --query test

  • Perceptron neural network with backpropgation (1-stage)
    • package: numpy
    • console output
    Random synaptic weights:
      [ 0.44064899]
    synaptic weights after training:
      [[ 9.67299303]
      [-0.2078435 ]
      Input 1: 1
      Input 2: 2
      Input 3: 3
    ('New situation: input data = ', '1', '2', '3')
    Output data:
    Random starting synaptic weights:
      [ 0.44064899]
    Synaptic weights after training
    outputs after training: