
A introduction to writing and reading your own .mmdb databases



If you use Vagrant, you can get started easily. After cloning this repository, chdir to the top directory. Then issue the following commands:

vagrant up

Now you (hopefully) have a running VM with everything you need already installed. You can now log in to your VM and start running commands.

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
perl examples/01-getting-started.pl

If you've followed the instructions above, you are done. No need to read any further.

Manual Installation


First you'll need to install libmaxminddb


cpanm is probably the easiest Perl install tool to get up and running with. If you don't already have it, you can install it with a one-liner:

curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - App::cpanminus

We've chosen to install without sudo, so that we don't interfere with any modules which the system requires.

CPAN Modules

Now that we have a tool to install our Perl modules, let's go ahead and install the modules we need to write an MMDB file. I should add the caveat that we don't currently have Windows support for our writer, so you'll need access to a *nix or Mac OS X environment to play along. If you do have a Windows machine, an Ubuntu VM or something similar will be just fine.

cpanm Devel::Refcount MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree Net::Works::Network GeoIP2 Data::Printer

If you're on Mac OS X and the above install fails, you can try forcing a 64 bit architecture:

ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" cpanm MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree Net::Works::Network

Now you're ready to start running scripts:

perl /vagrant/examples/examples/01-getting-started.pl


You'll need a copy of GeoLite2-City.mmdb somewhere on your filesystem. You may need to download this file either via geoipupdate or by downloading the file manually. If you need more details on how we set this up, you can look at the provision section of the Vagrantfile in the GitHub repository.