
CLI tool used for access OnIine Judge

Primary LanguagePython



Installation in NCCU GHOST

echo 'alias oj="python2.7 ~s10940/oj-cli/oj.py"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Installation from source code

git clone https://github.com/andyjjrt/oj-cli.git
cd oj-cli
echo "alias oj='python2.7 $PWD/oj'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

If your shell is different like ash, you may need to change .bashrc to .profile. After installation, please modify CONTEST_NAME variable in constants.py to the target contest name.


oj login


Use oj login to login to the account in OnlineJudge. It required you to enter your account information so that oj-cli could access OnlineJudge service successfully. After entering your username and password. oj-cli will respond if you login successfully or not.


No argument required. Only enter oj login and fill the account information to login to OnlineJudge.


$ oj login

oj get <assign_no>


Use oj get <assign_no> to download the latest assignment from contest. The downloaded files are stored in folder hwX. The folder includes testing data, output data, and template C script, which are named as 1.in, 1.out, and main.c separately.


oj get only required one argument to execute.


assign_no represents your assign number like hw1, hw2 according to your updates. oj-cli will prompt Invalid Assign Number! if the input assign number has not opened and give valid assign numbers.


$ oj get hw1
Made a [hw1] folder in your current directory.

oj get_p <problem_no>


Use oj get_p <problem_no> to download the problem in problem list. The downloaded files are stored in folder problem_X. The folder includes testing data, output data, and template C script, which are named as 1.in, 1.out, and main.c separately.


oj get_p only required one argument to execute.


problem_no represents your problem display id like 1, 57-2 according to your updates. oj-cli will prompt Invalid Problem Id! if the input problem id is invalid.


problem_no somtimes has blanks, cli will automatically replace them.


$ oj get_p 57-2
Made a [problem_57-2] folder in your current directory.

oj submit <assign_no> <code_file>


Use oj submit <assign_no> <code_file> to submit your code to contest and return the results.


oj submit required two arguments to execute.


assign_no represents your assign number like hw1, hw2 according to your updates. oj-cli will prompt Invalid Assign Number! if the input assign number has not opened and give valid assign numbers.


code_file is the path to your script. oj will read the file then submit this answer to OnlineJudge Service.


$ oj submit hw2 hw2.c
Submit successfully!
Getting submission status...
Result: AC(Accept)              Score: 100
|ID |Status                |   Time|  Mem| Score|
|#1 |AC(Accept)            |    0ms|  2MB|    20|
|#2 |AC(Accept)            |    2ms|  2MB|    20|
|#3 |AC(Accept)            |   40ms|  2MB|    20|
|#4 |AC(Accept)            |   75ms|  2MB|    20|
|#5 |AC(Accept)            |    5ms|  2MB|    20| 

oj submit_p <problem_no> <code_file>


Use oj submit_p <problem_no> <code_file> to submit your code to problem and return the results.


oj submit_p required three arguments to execute.


assign_no represents your assign number like 1, 2 according to your updates. oj-cli will prompt Invalid Assign Number! if the input assign number soes not exist.

Notice that blanks in problem_no will be replaced by nothing.


code_file is the path to your script. oj will read the file then submit this answer to OnlineJudge Service.


$ oj problem_submit 1091CP1_Exercise8 ex8.c
Submit successfully!!
Getting submission status...
Result: AC(Accept)                     Score: 100
|ID |Status                       |   Time|  Mem| Score|
|#1 |AC(Accept)                   |    1ms|  2MB|    20|
|#2 |AC(Accept)                   |    1ms|  2MB|    20|
|#3 |AC(Accept)                   |    1ms|  2MB|    20|
|#4 |AC(Accept)                   |    2ms|  2MB|    20|
|#5 |AC(Accept)                   |    1ms|  2MB|    20|

oj rank <assign_no>


Use oj rank <assign_no> to view the class result of this assign.


oj rank only required one argument to execute.


assign_no represents your assign number like hw1, hw2 according to your updates. oj-cli will prompt Invalid Assign Number! if the input assign number has not opened and give valid assign numbers.


$ oj rank hw2
Your status of hw2 : AC(Accept)
   1~ 10 :  0  |  AC(Accept)             : 8
  11~ 20 :  0  |  RE(Runtime Error)      : 29
  21~ 30 :  0  |  PAC(Partial Accepted)  : 54
  31~ 40 :  1  |  WA(Wrong Answer)       : 81
  41~ 50 :  0  |  CE(Compilation Error)  : 10
  51~ 60 :  0  |--------------------------------
  61~ 70 :  0  |  Total submissions      : 182
  71~ 80 :  0  |
  81~ 90 :  0  |
  91~100 : 12  |
For real score ranking,please go to the website. 

oj update


Use oj update to get the latest assignments.


No argument required. Only enter oj update and it will automatically get the assignments.


$ oj update
Target Contest: 1101CP1
Found HomeWork: hw0 [Online Submission]

oj update_p


Use oj update_p to get the latest assignments.


No argument required. Only enter oj update_p and it will automatically get the problems.


$ oj update_p
Updated problems successfully!

oj status <assign_no>


Use oj status <assign_no> to view the latest 20 submissions of this contest.


oj status only required one argument to execute.


assign_no represents your assign number like hw1, hw2 according to your updates. oj-cli will prompt Invalid Assign Number! if the input assign number has not opened and give valid assign numbers.


$ oj status hw2
|  Contest Name: hw2                                             |
|User        |Status                     |   Time|  Mem|               When|
|108xxxxxx   |WA(Wrong Answer)           |    0ms|  2MB|2020-12-18 10:31:12|
|109xxxxxx   |AC(Accept)                 |    0ms|  2MB|2020-12-18 10:07:14|
|109xxxxxx   |PAC(Partial Accepted)      |    0ms|  2MB|2020-12-18 09:20:10|
|109xxxxxx   |PAC(Partial Accepted)      |   21ms|  2MB|2020-12-18 09:20:02|
|109xxxxxx   |PAC(Partial Accepted)      |   17ms|  2MB|2020-12-18 09:07:19|
|109xxxxxx   |PAC(Partial Accepted)      |    1ms|  4MB|2020-12-18 08:50:13|

oj mystat


Use oj mystat <option> to view your latest 20 submissions of this contest, each of the submission has the specific ID.


oj mystat only required one argument to execute.


Here we have two options:

  1. assign_no represents your assign number like hw1, hw2 according to your updates. oj-cli will prompt Invalid Assign Number! if the input assign number has not opened and give valid assign numbers.
  2. IDx is the specific ID that oj mystat <hwx> gives you, here you can see details of this submition.


The ID will only update if you type oj mystat <hwx>


$ oj mystat hw1
|  Contest Name: hw1                                     |
|ID  |Status                     |   Time|  Mem|               When|
|ID 0|AC(Accept)                 |    0ms|  2MB|2020-12-17 10:39:13|

$ oj mystat ID4
Result: PAC(Partial Accepted)   Score:  20
|ID |Status                |   Time|  Mem| Score|
|#1 |AC(Accept)            |    1ms|  2MB|    20|
|#2 |WA(Wrong Answer)      |    2ms|  2MB|     0|
|#3 |WA(Wrong Answer)      |   28ms|  2MB|     0|
|#4 |WA(Wrong Answer)      |   48ms|  2MB|     0|
|#5 |WA(Wrong Answer)      |    5ms|  2MB|     0|

oj dl


Use oj dl <ID> to download your specific submission's source code.


oj dl only required one argument to execute.


ID is the specific ID that oj mystat <hwx> gives you, here you can see details of this submition.


The ID will only update if you type oj mystat <hwx>


$ oj dl ID0
Result: AC(Accept)              Score: 100
|ID |Status                |   Time|  Mem| Score|
|#1 |AC(Accept)            |    0ms|  2MB|    20|
|#2 |AC(Accept)            |    2ms|  2MB|    20|
|#3 |AC(Accept)            |   40ms|  2MB|    20|
|#4 |AC(Accept)            |   75ms|  2MB|    20|
|#5 |AC(Accept)            |    5ms|  2MB|    20|
Downloaded your file!!!
File name:1097030xx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.c in yor current directory.