
Python client for RiskIQ API services

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Python client for RiskIQ API services

riskiq provides a Python client library implementation into RiskIQ API services. The library currently provides support for the following services:

  • Passive DNS queries
  • Blacklist URL search
  • Blacklist Incident URL search
  • ZList download
  • Crawler Landing Page submission

Command-line scripts

The following command line scripts are installed with the library:

  • riq-config: utility to set or query API configuration options for the library (API token and private key).
  • riq-dns: client to issue queries to the RiskIQ Passive DNS database service.
  • riq-blacklist: client to issue queries for domains and URLs to identify listings in the RiskIQ blacklist.
  • riq-zlist: query the zlist for entries within a time range
  • riq-landingpage: get and submit new landing pages
  • riq-binary: list and download files from the binary feed

See the Usage section for more information.


From the downloaded source distribution:

$ python setup.py install

Or from PyPI:

$ pip install riskiq

The package depends on the Python Requests library. If Requests is not installed, it will be installed as a dependency.


First-time setup requires configuring your API token and private key for authentication:

$ riq-config setup <API_TOKEN> <API_PRIVATE_KEY>

At any time, the current API configuration parameters can be queried using the same utility:

$ riq-config show

Configuration parameters are stored in $HOME/.config/riskiq/api_config.json.


Every command-line script has several sub-commands that may be passed to it. The commands usage may be described with the -h/--help option.

For example:

$ riq-blacklist -h
usage: riq-blacklist [-h] {lookup,incident,incidentlist,list,malware} ...

positional arguments:
    lookup              Query blacklist on URL
    incident            Query blacklist incident on URL
    incidentlist        query blacklist incidents within timeframe
    list                query blacklisted resources
    malware             Query for all discovered malware resources generated
                        within a particular period.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Every sub-command has further help options::

$ riq-blacklist lookup -h
usage: riq-blacklist lookup [-h] [-l] [-j] urls [urls ...]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -l, --oneline  Output one line per entry
  -j, --json     Output as JSON

All commands will have the -j/--json option to return raw responses in JSON format, which often contain more information than present in the default, human readable format.

Version History

Versions before 0.2.7 have been mostly base implementation and bug fixes. We do not recommend using anything less than 0.2.7.

0.4.9:Added support for bulk blacklist lookups in API.
0.4.8:Added custom jinja2 template option to CLI render script (--template/-T) Fixed whitespace rendering when incidents are empty
0.4.7:Hotfix for rendering bug
0.4.6:Fixed multiple blacklist templates Fixed verbose flag for riq-blacklist submodules
0.4.5:Fixed bugs in riskiq.cli.blacklist scripts
0.4.4:Refactored riskiq.cli.blacklist scripts
0.4.3:Fixed issue where Python 2.6 sys.version_info is a tuple, not namedtuple.
0.4.2:Fixed config bug
0.4.1:Disable httplib if in Python 3+
0.4.0:Working on Python 3 compatibility
0.3.2:Updated riq-dns output formats. Default output format is now a shortened one-line format per record. A more verbose one-line format is available with the -v/--verbose option. The previous text-based "human-readable" format is available using the -T/--text option.
0.2.7:Fixed template bug in riq-landingpage submit
0.2.6:Fix landingpage submissions to allow md5, project, keyword, fields
0.2.5:Added binary download options --output and --output-dir 8f540b0 List and download suspicious binaries via CLI fix MANIFEST.in installation bug
0.2.3:Documentation changes
0.2.1:Added documentation
<= 0.2.0:Most implementation of CLI tools and client API