
Theme: The more you have, the worse it is.

Primary LanguageC#

Ludum Dare 40 : The more you have, the worse it is.


Thanks for playing my first Ludum Dare game! I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Full screen recommended


  • You are the yellow capsule--you can carry a ball

  • Opponents are the teal capsules--they can carry balls too

  • Hunters are the purple capsules--they chase down and kill those who have a ball

  • As you hold a ball longer the purple capsule will chase you faster

  • Throw the ball to your opponents to try get them killed

  • Everyone has 3 lives by default

  • Last capsule standing wins!



  • Space bar to reset the game and cancel the active round (if any)

  • Space again to begin the round

  • Right Mouse Button hold or click to move player

  • Left Mouse Button click on opponent to throw the ball

Config Menus

  • 1 Game Properties

  • 2 Hunter Properties

  • 3 Opponent Properties

  • 4 Player Properties

  • 5 Ball Properties

Configuration Changes

If you find any values that work particularly well please share them!

Control different properties of the game through the interactive UI sliders. This includes values like maxSpeed, acceleration, lives, etc. Currently some values require a restart of the game (through Space commmand), while others will reflect immediately.

Bugs / Issues / Suggestions

Sometimes the purple capsules go on high velocity off the map, but don't worry they always seem to return :P

If you see any bugs or have any suggestions, please open a GitHub issue. If possible, try and determine conditions for the scenario to occur.


When I get more time, I will implement some of the "nice-to-have" features that were thought of but never got time to implement. One of these includes a healthy dose of refactoring in order to prepare for network behavior scripts. The full list of these future features are listed on the project's Trello board.