
Gene Machine Health Hack Team Entry

Primary LanguageJavaScript

With virtualenvwrappers installed:

$ mkvirtualenv health-hack
$ cd haloplex/
$ pip install -r Requirements.txt 
$ python haloplex.py 
 * Running on
 * Restarting with reloader

Supported routes:

/                -> index.html

/static/*        -> static data

                 -> the untouched normalized data (for backwards compat)

/data/count      -> dataset row count

{ count: 1000 }

/data/sample_ids -> dataset sample_ids

{ sample_ids: [ 'samp_01', 'samp_02' ] }

/data/ordered    -> dataset as json
query params:
  ?o={desc|asc}     order data by mean coverage (descending or ascending)
  ?c=num            return only num rows
  ?s=num            offset by num rows (after sorting)
  ?x=zscore         z-score transform data before returning (after sorting)
  ?i=samp,samp      limit result to a subset of samples (full dataset is still used for sorting)
  ?r=chr            limit to chromosome = chr
  ?r=chr:start-end  limit to chromosome chr, between start and end

  chr:   [ ... ]
  start: [ ... ]
  end:   [ ... ]
  gene:  [ ... ]
  samples: {
    samp_01: [ ... ]
    [ ... ]