
multi-bot environment using gptbot repo

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Multi-GPTBot Deployment Guide

This guide explains how to set up a multi-bot environment using the Multi-GPTBot repository. The setup involves using submodules in Git to manage multiple Telegram bots, each as a separate submodule within a single project framework.

Repository Structure

The Multi-GPTBot project is structured as follows:

├── bot1/
├── bot2/
└── main.py
  • multi-gptbot/: The root directory of the project.
  • bot1/, bot2/: Subdirectories for each bot, implemented as Git submodules.
  • main.py: Central script located in the root directory to run and manage all bots.

Initial Setup

  1. Cloning the Repository: Clone the repository with submodules:

    git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/andykras/multi-gptbot.git
  2. Adding a New Bot: To add a new bot as a submodule:

    cd multi-gptbot
    git submodule add https://github.com/path/to/your/bot.git bot3


Each bot can have its own configurations, but since they share the same environment, you need to set API keys and tokens directly in the bot's Python files, not through environment variables. For example, in env.py of each bot:

API_KEY = "your-api-key-here"

Replace your-api-key-here with the actual API key of your bot.

Running the Bots

To start all the bots using the main.py script:

LC_ALL=ru_RU LOG_LEVEL=INFO python main.py

This script initializes and runs each bot configured as a submodule. To stop the bots, press Ctrl+C in the terminal.

Managing Bots

  • Each bot's code and configuration are managed independently within their respective submodules.
  • Remember to commit and push changes within each bot's submodule and then update the reference in the main repository.

This multi-bot setup allows for centralized management while maintaining independent development and control for each bot.