ROSA Workshop Scoreboard - Server

This repository houses the server-side components for the ROSA workshop scoreboard, which displays live updates of user progress in the ROSA workshop. This is intended to serve not only as an accountability measure to ensure everyone's engaged, but also as a gamification element to keep the workshop fun and competitive.

If you're looking for the scoreboard server for the ARO Workshop, go here instead.

It is composed of a quarkus resteasy backend in src/main/java and a patternfly/reactjs frontend in src/main/webapp. It looks like this:

Server View

Once the server is deployed, your workshop participants will need to deploy a telemetry agent to their clusters to continually report their status. They'll need:

Running on OpenShift

Run the commands below to deploy your scoreboard server to OpenShift. Once it's running, present the scoreboard on the screen to track progress as participants get their agents deployed.

oc new-app
oc expose svc/cs-workshop-scoreboard-server

# Get the route to the server
oc get route cs-workshop-scoreboard-server

Want to use this scoreboard for a different workshop?

Check out the development guide here.