
Convert PDF presentations to reveal.js

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

PDF Web Slides

This is a fork of pdf-webslides. This version is transplanted to use reveal.js instead of the original HTML5 slides.

Currently, this work use cloudflare CDN to load reveal.js. If you want to use a local copy of reveal.js, you can download the latest version from reveal.js and replace the directory of js and css files in the index.html.template file.


The first step is to convert a PDF to an HTML5 file. This is simply done by running

pdf-webslides <pdf file>

The output is an index.html file and a corresponding slides.js in the current directory. Note that it is also possible to generate a standalone index.html using the -s option. If the HTML file is opened, it shows the slides in the same way as the original PDF. Slides can simply be navigated using left/right arrow keys, page-up/page-down keys, as well as by swiping over the slides.

Presenter Mode

reveal.js has a presenter mode that can be used to display the current slide, the next slide, and the notes for the current slide. To use this mode, provide the -p option, i.e.,

pdf-webslides -p <pdf file>

Then, open the slides in a browser and press the s key. This will open a new window with the presenter view.


The tool supports the showing notes in presenter mode. Hence, they can also be directly embedded in LaTeX beamer. With the following macro and pdfcomment package,

\newcommand<>{\pnote}[1]{\only#2{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{\node{\pdfmargincomment[opacity=0]{#1}}}}}

notes can be added to a certain animation-step of a slide by adding something like

\pnote<1>{Speaker note for step 1 of the current slide.}

If there are notes in the PDF, they are shown below the preview of the next slide.


From Source


The tool depends on Poppler and Cairo for converting the PDF to SVGs. On Ubuntu, the dependencies can be installed through

apt install libcairo2-dev libpoppler-glib-dev

Then, the tool can be built by running

make install

to install the tool as pdf-webslides.


On macOS, the dependencies can be installed through Homebrew

brew install poppler cairo

Then, the tool can be built by running

make install