
The new haxe website

Primary LanguageHTML


Build Status

This is the code base for the http://haxe.org website.

Contributing Content

On the website there is a "Contribute" link on the footer of each page. Clicking this link will take you to the relevant file in this repository, or the relevant file in the HaxeManual repository.

You can then edit using Github's online file editor, and submit a pull request. You can also fork the repo and edit on your local machine with your preferred text editor, which may be easier for large integrations.

Issues, bugs and suggestions

If you find a bug, have an issue, suggestion, or want to contribute in some other way, please use the Github Issue Tracker.

Any bugs we will attempt to address promptly. New content or subjective issues (colours, fonts, marketing material etc) will be considered on a case by case basis.

If you are a designer and want to help freshen up the look of the site, please contact contact@haxe.org or jason.oneil@gmail.com. We'd love your input!

Contributing CSS

Currently the css for the site is in www/css/style.css.

We plan to switch back to using HSS at some point in the future to make this easier to maintain.

We currently use the bootstrap 2.3.2 CSS library and the Font Awesome 4.1.0 icon library.


  • The code is in src/. It uses the ufront library and is structured in an MVC pattern.
  • The static assets are in www/, and the JS and neko compiles and runs from here also.
  • The website-generated content is in uf-content.

Running a local copy

  1. git clone --recursive https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe.org.git haxeorg

  2. cd haxeorg

  3. haxelib install all - this will install all dependencies. Please note this may take a while.

  4. haxelib install ufront; haxelib run ufront --setup - setup the "ufront" alias so you don't have to run haxelib run ufront

  5. mkdir doc - this folder needs to exist for our documentation to compile.

  6. ufront build - builds all hxml files, alternatively, run haxe serverapp.hxml; haxe basicclient.hxml; haxe clientapp.hxml;

  7. Create a MySQL database named haxe and a user that can read/write it:

    CREATE USER 'haxeorg'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `haxe`.* TO 'haxeorg'@'localhost';
  8. Export the database info to the enviroment:

    export HAXEORG_DB_HOST=localhost
    export HAXEORG_DB_PORT=3306
    export HAXEORG_DB_USER=haxeorg
    export HAXEORG_DB_PASS=mypassword
  9. Make sure the "uf-content" directory is writeable by the web server.

  10. ufront server - start a "nekotools" server in the www directory.

  11. Visit http://localhost:2987/update/manual/ to prepare the manual content.

  12. Visit http://localhost:2987/update/site/ to prepare some site content.

  13. Visit http://localhost:2987/blog/ufadmin/ and click on "DB Admin" to create and sync each of the required tables.

Please note you need at least Haxe 3.2.

These instructions were written on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04), if problems are encountered on other platforms please file an issue so it can be resolved.

Deploying updates

  • Any push or merge to this haxe.org repository will trigger TravisCI to build and deploy to "haxe.org".
  • Any push or merge to the HaxeManual repository will trigger an update of the manual on "haxe.org". (We follow the master branch).
  • Running ufront deploy (or just ufront d) will compile all files and push them to the haxe.org server. You will need your SSH keys added to the server for this to work. If you added or modified any download content you will need to visit /update/site/ to trigger some further upgrades.