Pure-macro Do notation and List-comprehension for Option, Result and Iterator.
- 0xdevaliasOpen to opportunities
- aka-demikRussia, Innopolis
- alex-dukhnoOdessa, Ukraine
- alexander-irbisIrbis Labs
- All-lessUniversity of Toronto
- alvinlaiMountain View, CA
- ammaskartikLondon, UK
- andylokandyGuangzhou, China
- asuivelentine
- axlrose
- blabaereFrance
- BurntPizza
- devops398
- dongxinEricSF Bay Area
- GilnaaTel Aviv, Israel
- habourrr
- jinnzestKraków, Poland
- justanotherdot@heydovetail
- lloydmeta@elastic
- LooMaclinRust
- NewMountainJahnel Group
- porosYelp
- rgaitherNorth Carolina
- rrbutani
- sgrankin
- shugen002China
- summerlight
- thedukeWasmer
- therustmonkMontenegro
- TheWaWaR@akasamq
- tiensonqin@logseq
- veganskNovosibirsk
- willi-kapplerUniversity of Tübingen / Geoscience
- zdenal@getsynq
- zen3ger
- zhuoyue95