
Learning how to write CUDA

Primary LanguageCuda



There are about 1000000 (undocumented) flags that you have to pass to nvcc to make things work properly. If something doesn't compile / function properly, check the compiler flags first.

Flags that I missed:

  • -I / --include: To add a directory to find header files. E.g. -I=src/cutlass/include,src/cutlass/tools/util/include.
  • -l / --library: To include cuda libraries like CuBLAS / CUTLASS. E.g. -l=cublas,cublasLt.
  • -gencode: Specify which device you are compiling for. Needed to get things like Tensor Core GEMM working. E.g. -gencode=arch=compute_75,code=sm_75.

Hardward support

RTX 2060 only supports Tensor Core MatMuls with FP16 inputs and FP16/32 compute dtype. Using FP32 for both inputs and compute dtype will fail.

CuDNN find plan

cudnnFindPlan doesn't always get the correct plan, quite annoying.



The TFLOPS estimation on canonical sources (e.g. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs) is not an accurate estimation of the theoretical max FLOPs. It probably takes into account for all types of operations (e.g. FP32,FP16,INT8,...). We can actually get a much higher TFLOPS if we are just using the Tensor Cores.

For example, the RTX 2060 MAX-Q is rated to have a max TFLOPS of 9.101 (FP16). However,

$ bin/cutlassExample 8192 1000 tmp.txt
N = 8192, TIMES = 1000, FILENAME = tmp.txt
N = 8192, 0.0366 ops/ms, 40.1975 TFLOPS

This number comes from the fact that RTX 2060 has 30 SMs, each with 8 Tensor Cores (240 in total). Each Tensor Core is capable of 64 fused multiply-add (128 FLOPs) each clock cycle. While running the program, the clock speed was observed to be ~1300-1400 MHz. In summary, this gives 240 * 128 * 1350e6 / 1e12 = 41.472 TFLOPs!