This is a game that you play with your body! All you need is a webcam and a good attitude (and a screen that's bigger than 1000 pixels wide).
I built this with Vue CLI, Tensorflow.js, and the Tensorflow PoseNet model.
If you want to play this game locally, you'll need to make sure that you have npm or yarn installed.
Start by cloning this repo or downloading and unzipping into a local directory. Navigate into that directory and install the packages with this command:
yarn install
npm install
Then run a dev server that will load the game into your default browser with this command:
yarn serve
npm run-script serve
That's it!
If you'd rather work with the built distribution files, then you can visit this link to download them. Unzip that package and serve it locally using an HTTP server of your choice.
One example is to navigate into the unzipped directory and run these commmands:
npm install -g serve
serve -s dist