
Navigating the Star Wars Universe with Neo4j

Primary LanguageJava

Navigating the Star Wars Universe with Neo4j

This project supports the blog entry at: http://solutiondesign.com/navigating-the-star-wars-universe-with-neo4j/

Universe.java: The primary class that seeds the "Universe" with people, places of origin, and relationships to other characters.

This series of method calls does the following:

  • createSytems(): Adds planet nodes to the graph to represent the home worlds (or planets that the character has spent a significant amount of time) and includes a property that holds the distance from the galactic center in parsecs.
  • populateUniverse(): Adds the character nodes to the graph.
  • establishPolitics(): Adds allegiance nodes that represent different convictions held by the various characters, examples include: Jedi, Sith, Empire and Rebellion.
  • establishRelationship(): Binds the character nodes with relationship types: FRIENDS_WITH, KNOWS or TEACHES
  • associateAllegiances(): Creates relationships between characters and allegiances using the relationship type DEVOTED_TO.
  • designateHomeWorld(): Finally, relationships are created between characters and planet created in the createSystems() method using relationship type LIVED_ON.

UniverseNodes.java: Encapsulates methods that deal with nodes

UniverseRelationships.java: Encapsulates methods that handle relationships

UniverseExplorer.java: Encapsulates the methods to query the graph using Cypher