
Primary LanguageJavaScript

// thanks to /u/wind-wars and github.com/marco79cgn for ispiration, help and most of the code // thanks to "our world in data" github for the data

// you can add "open URL" on Scriptable widget to this site: "https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMzg4YmI5NDQtZDM5ZC00ZTIyLTgxN2MtOTBkMWM4MTUyYTg0IiwidCI6ImFmZDBhNzVjLTg2NzEtNGNjZS05MDYxLTJjYTBkOTJlNDIyZiIsImMiOjh9" for more updated data

//it's my first js so there will be mistakes //made with <3 by bomba_isntmynm /u/zibo29

Works with Scriptable app for iOS