
Primary LanguageRust

MONI installation

cd tools
wget https://github.com/maxrossi91/moni/releases/download/v0.2.0/moni-0.2.0-Linux.tar.gz
tar -xvzf moni-0.2.0-Linux.tar.gz
./moni-0.2.0-Linux/bin/moni -h

Grammar for LCE queries

How to get it running

git clone https://gitlab.com/manzai/bigrepair.git
cd bigrepair

We also need the helper script scripts/print_plain_slp.c compiled, we can do it with

cd scripts
cc -Wall -g -O9    print_plain_slp.c   -o print_plain_slp


./tools/bigrepair/bigrepair data/grammar/tiny
./scripts/print_plain_slp data/grammar/tiny

There are 256 terminals in the grammar representing the char values 0-255. The terminal for the char x is associated with the identifier of x. Since not all of the terminals are printable and may cause formatting problems (e.g. \n), they are ommited from the plaintext output. The rest of the grammar, i.e. non-terminals and associated rules, is contained in the file tiny.plainslp. The single production rule for every non-terminal is defined in a separate line numbered L (starting from 1), the id of the non-terminal is id = L+255. The rule is in the form X Y, where X < id and Y < id. Hence the first line of tiny.plainslp represents the rule 256 and so on.