Easy RSA is a Python library and application for implementing simple RSA cryptosystems. It has been written only for educational purposes; its security is not guaranteed.
The contents of this repository are made available under the MIT License.
>>> from easy_rsa import *
>>> my_encryption = Cipher("Romeo Sierra Alfa") #creating a new encryption
>>> my_encryption.m #the message's Unicode ordinals
[82, 111, 109, 101, 111, 32, 83, 105, 101, 114, 114, 97, 32, 65, 108, 102, 97]
>>> my_encryption.c #the message's encrypted ordinals
[4597, 6070, 9824, 3158, 6070, 2811, 7995, 2601, 3158, 9380, 9380, 10573, 2811, 3009, 5463, 991, 10573]
>>> "".join([chr(ordinal) for ordinal in my_encryption.c]) #the encryption interpreted as Unicode
>>> "".join([chr(ordinal) for ordinal in formula(my_encryption.c, my_encryption.d, my_encryption.n)]) #decrypting the message
'Romeo Sierra Alfa'
Easy RSA loaded successfully
Provide a message for encryption or type /e to exit
>Romeo Sierra Alfa
Unicode ordinals (m) 82, 111, 109, 101, 111, 32, 83, 105, 101, 114, 114, 97, 32, 65, 108, 102, 97
First prime (p) 19
Second prime (q) 37
Modulus (n) 703
Totient (phi(n)) 648
Public key (e) 5
Private key (d) 389
Encrypted ordinals (c) 689, 555, 523, 233, 555, 242, 182, 364, 233, 95, 95, 526, 242, 373, 90, 410, 526