
Angular Material Starter Project with Torq Theme implemented

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Material Torq Theme Project

This is a starter project to help you get started with Angular Material and the Torq Design System. The project is built using the Angular CLI and Google Angular Material

What's Included

This project contains a few basic components (Material Toolbar, Material Sidemenu, Material Card, Material List, Material Icons, Material Button) to help you get started with an Angular Material Project with Torq Implemented. The project also contains the Torq colors & fonts and some SASS styles to make the Material components look like Torq Components.

The project is defaulted to show the UI in Torq Light Theme. If you want to switch over to the Dark Theme, navigate to the app.component.ts file and change the lightTheme variable from true to false.

Shows How Project Looks on Startup

How to start using the Starter Project

It is recommended that you Fork this project or clone it into your local to start development. You will also need to open a new repository with the downloaded code once you start adding new components to the project.

How to Run The Project

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Steps for Importing a New Material Component

  1. Find the Component you wish to import at Angular Material Website

  2. Ensure the component you are importing is added into the app.module.ts file

  3. Navigate to the app.component.html file to add the Material Component into your HTML code

  4. Make sure you follow the Angular Material guidelines for how to theme your imported components ... For example, you will see that in the current application code there is a color property applied to every component. Ex: <mat-toolbar color="surface">. Similarly, you must use the Torq Developer Guidelines to ensure you are putting the right color on each of the components. For reference, the Torq project colors are as follows:

    Theme Style Color Hex Value
    Light UI Primary #508be4 (Torq Blue)
    Light UI Secondary #f7f7fb (Torq Light Blue)
    Light UI Background linear-gradient(#F7F9FB, #D6DFEC)
    Light UI Surface #ffffff (White)
    Dark UI Primary #508be4 (Torq Blue)
    Dark UI Secondary #141e27 (Torq Dark Blue)
    Dark UI Background linear-gradient(#1A2633, #101820)
    Dark UI Surface #1D2E40

Please do not overwrite color properties for individual components in your SCSS, SASS, CSS files. Instead, try to apply the Angular Material Theming properties to the individual components. Please do not overwrite the styles in the torq-theme.scss file either.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Further help

Reach out to the Torq team on the #torq slack channel or navigate to Torq Guidelines