
Code and metadata for Arctic Rain on Snow Study (AROSS) rain on snow database

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


The repo contains code and metadata used to download and process data, and generate an Arctic rain on snow database for the NSF funded Arctic Rain on Snow Study (AROSS). This project is part of the NSF Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) program. The database combines station weather observations from Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS), and near-surface and upper air fields from atmospheric reanalysis systems. Currently, only data from ERA5 are included.

Rain on snow events for the purposes of this database are defined as liquid or freezing precipitation recorded by ASOS stations [more info on ASOS p-type observations] during periods when ground surfaces are snow covered. ASOS stations are located at airfields. Stations may not record snow depth or snow on the ground. Furthermore, airfields are, almost by definition, exposed. Little or no snow may be present at the location of the ASOS station. However, extensize snow cover may be present in the surrounding landscape. We use remotely sensed snow cover from the 4 km Integrated Mapping System to identify the presence of snow in the landscape.

Data will be archived at the Arctic Data Center. ADC Guidelines for submitting data https://arcticdata.io/submit/


Download data

Data are downloaded from the University of Iowa Mesonet (IEM) ASOS site. We use the download api but data can be downloaded from their gui. Python scripts for downloading raw datafiles and metadata are described below (See Recreating or updating the database).

Data cleaning

ASOS data files hosted by the Iowa Mesonet archive can contain multiple records for the same timestamp. These duplicates can arise from repeated transmission of the same data, or corrected or updated transmissions. For the purposes of data cleaning, we assume that valid data values supercede missing data (NaN).

Duplicated records are searched for and removed on a timestamp by timestamp basis. This is necessary because multiple unique timestamps may have the same values, and appear to be duplicated. Consevutive duplicated records may be a problem but these are dealt with by a different process. He we focus on removing duplicated time records.

Duplicated timestamps are first identified and copied to a separate DataFrame. Records with unique timestamps are copied to another DataFrame. For each timestamp with duplicate records, the records are inspected and missing values (NaN) are filled to maximise data retention, then only one of the duplicate records is retained. These, now unique records, are written to a new DataFrame. This DataFrame is then concatenated with the initial DataFrame containing unique records and sorted by time index. This new unique DataFrame is returned.

  • decode WXCODE and convert units
  • aggregate to create hourly records.

Quality Control

Variables are checked to ensure they are within sensible ranges. Where possible these ranges are chosen to represent the region.

Relative humidity (relh):
Minimum: 0. - physical limit Maximum: 105. - RH relative to e_ice

1 hour Precipitation Iniensity (p01i): Minimum: 0. - logical limit Maximum:

Pressure Altimeter (alti) https://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Standard_atmosphere: Minimum: Maximum:

Sea Level Pressure (mslp): Minimum: 900 hPa - pressures below 900 hPa are only recorded in hurricanes Maximum: 1090 hPa - just above highest recorded pressure 1083.3 hPa

2 m (near-surface) Air Temperature (t2m): Minimum: -70 C - based on lowest recorded Arctic temperature -67.8 C Siberia Maximum: 50 C - this might need to be adjusted down, I am only looking at winter

2 m (near-surface) Dew Point Temperature (d2m): Minimum: -20 C Maximum: 50 C

Wind Speed (wspd) Minimum: 0 m/s Maximum: 103 m/s - based on highest recorded wind speed from Mt Washington

Wind direction (drct): Minimum: 0. - logical limit Maximum: 360. - logical limit

Zonal and Meridional Wind Speeds (uwnd, vwnd): Minimum: -103. m/s Maximum: 103. m/s

Precipitation type from weather codes (UP, RA, FZRA, SOLID) are boolean.

Extracting precipitation events

  • combine with ims
  • Extract events

Recreating or updating the database

The database can be recreated using the following workflow and scripts

  1. Download data from IEM
python -m scripts.download_asos_data --progress --station_file data/stations.for_download.txt --outpath /Path/to/save/raw/files

This downloads all files in stations.for_download.txt for the station period of record. The --progress flag displays a progress bar.

Individual stations can be downloaded by providing the station id

python -m scripts.download_asos_data --progress --outpath /Path/to/save/raw/files PALP

The temporal range can be set in two ways. By selecting data for a given year.

python -m scripts.download_asos_data --progress --outpath /Path/to/save/raw/files --year 2023 PALP

Or by setting the start and end dates.

python -m scripts.download_asos_data --progress --outpath /Path/to/save/raw/files --start 2023-10-01 --end 2024-04-30 PALP
  1. Clean files

In the cleaning step, for each file: duplicate records are removed; data are parsed and wxcodes interpretted and units converted from Imperial/English to SI; a range check is used to exclude data values outside of reasonable observed limits. Data are then written to csv files.

For one file

python -m scripts.clean_asos_data --progress PALP

For all files in the raw directory.

python -m scripts.clean_asos_data --progress --all_stations


This will be removed once processing pipeline is finalized. In migrating code, some old code was overwritten. To ensure that processing performs exactly the same, old cleaned files are compared against new cleaned files for the same raw files. The --testing flag performs this test.

python -m scripts.clean_asos_data --progress --testing

Old and new files are then compared using diff.

for f in $clean_dir/*.csv; do bn=`basename $f`; diff $clean_dir/$bn $save_dir/$bn; done
  1. Resample to hourly time series
python -m scripts.make_hourly_series --all_stations --progress

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