
Easily get pieces of a URL. As suggested by @edalzell here: https://lodge.statamic.com/questions/2387-how-to-combine-modifiers-in-v2

Primary LanguagePHP

ParseURL for Statamic (v2)

Uses PHP's parse_url to return specified pieces of a given URL.


  1. Move the statamic-ParseURL folder to site/addons/ParseUrl, in CamelCase, not capital letters (removing the statamic- bit)
  2. cd into your site's directory.
  3. Run php please addons:refresh


In your template, call the modifier like this:

{{ current_url | parse_url:[option] }}

… where [option] is one of:

  • scheme
  • user
  • pass
  • host
  • port
  • path
  • query
  • fragment

If given the URL:


… then …

  • scheme == "http"
  • user == "username"
  • pass == "password"
  • host == "hostname"
  • port == 9090
  • path == "/path"
  • query == "arg=value"
  • fragment == "anchor"