
The phootwork php library fills gaps in the php language and provides better solutions than the existing ones php offers.

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Phootwork library

Tests Coverage report Build Api Documentation Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Maintainability Test Coverage License

Phootwork is a collection of php libraries which fill gaps in the php language and provides consistent object oriented solutions where the language natively offers only functions.

The phootwork package includes:

  • collection a library to model several flavours of collections
  • file an object oriented library to manipulate filesystems elements (stream compatible)
  • json a json library, with clean syntax and proper error handling
  • lang a library to manipulate arrays and strings in an object oriented way
  • tokenizer an easy to use tokenizer library for PHP code
  • xml an object oriented xml utility library


We use composer as dependency manager and distribution system. To install the library run:

composer require phootwork/phootwork

Each single package can be installed separately. I.e. if you want to include in your project the collection library only:

composer require phootwork/collection

Note: the single library packages does not ship with tests and --dev dependencies. If you want to run the test suite or contribute to the library, you have to install the whole phootwork/phootwork package.

A Little Taste

The following examples show what you can find in this library. You can discover much, much more by reading the documentation and the api.

A Little Taste of lang Library (phootwork\lang\Text class);

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * Example describing how to manipulate a string via the Text class
 * and its nice fluent api.
use phootwork\lang\Text;

$text = new Text('a beautiful string');

// Remove the substring 'a ' and capitalize. Note: Text objects are *immutable*, 
// so you should assign the result to a variable
$text = $text->slice(2)->toCapitalCase(); // 'Beautiful string'

// Capitalize each word and add an 's' character at the end of the string
$text = $text->toCapitalCaseWords()->append('s'); // 'Beautiful Strings'

// Calculate the length of the string
$length = $text->length(); // 17

// Check if the string ends with the 'ngs' substring
$text->endsWith('ngs'); // true

A Little Taste of collection Library (phootwork\collection\Stack class)

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * Example describing how to manipulate a Stack collection (Last In First Out)
 * via the Stack class
use phootwork\collection\Stack;

$stack = new Stack(['Obiwan', 'Luke', 'Yoda', 'Leila']);

// Sort the stack
$stack = $stack->sort(); // ['Leila', 'Luke', 'Obiwan', 'Yoda']

// Check if the collection contains any elements
$stack->isEmpty();  // false

// How many elements?
$stack->size(); // 4

// Push an elememt

// How many elements now?
$stack->size(); // 5

// Peek the head element (return the head element, without removing it)
$stack->peek(); // 'Chewbecca'
$stack->size(); // 5

// Pop the head element
$stack->pop(); // 'Chewbecca'
$stack->size(); // 4: pop() removes the popped element


The official documentation site: https://phootwork.github.io

Running Tests

In order to run the test suite, download the full library:

git clone https://github.com/phootwork/phootwork

Then install the dependencies via composer:

composer install

and run:

composer test

Our test script calls the vendor/bin/phpunit command under the hood, so you can pass to it all the phpunit options, via -- operator i.e.: composer test -- --stop-on-failure.

Each library has its own test suite and you can run it separately. I.e. suppose you want to run the collection library test suite:

composer test -- --testsuite collection

or alternatively:

vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite collection

Phootwork also provides a command to generate a code coverage report in html format, into the coverage/ directory:

composer coverage


Report issues at the github Issue Tracker.


Every contribute is welcome, whether it is a simple typo or a new modern complicated feature. We are very grateful to all the people who will dedicate their precious time to this library!

You can find all information about it in the CONTRIBUTING.md document.


Refer to Releases