
TypeError when running in browser.

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Hello. I've been trying (rather unsuccessfully) to get this to work on Node.JS. After a few hours, I got it working - a little. It refused to detect my hand and would give me a warning that read

Hi there 👋. Looks like you are running TensorFlow.js in Node.js. To speed things up dramatically, install our node backend, which binds to TensorFlow C++, by running npm i @tensorflow/tfjs-node, or npm i @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu if you have CUDA. Then call require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node'); (-gpu suffix for CUDA) at the start of your program. Visit for more details.

no matter how many times I installed both @tensorflow/tfjs-node and @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu, I still got the warning.

Eventually, I gave up and decided to use the demo provided inside the dist folder, which, unfortunately, did not work either. I managed to solve this by adding a backend at the start, namely"

Which leads me to now. I have yet another error, this time reading:


I am absolutely positive that this is not on my end. I've looked up everything I ever could and not a single related result pops up. I'd appreciate any help.