
PBImageKit is an async assets fetcher built on top of NSOperation

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


PBImageKit is an async assets fetcher built on top of NSOperation As I have tested, decomposite image from ALAsset instance is quite cpu consuming. The PBImageKit decomposition image from asset instance in the background thread.

How to use?

It's queit easy
You can call the PBImageManager instance selector

- (PBFetchImageTask *)fetchImageWithAssets:(NSArray *)assets
                                completion:(void (^)(NSArray *images, NSError *error))completion;

or you can use the UIImageView Category

- (void)setImageWithAsset:(ALAsset *)asset withResolution:(PBAssetImageResolution)resolution;

- (void)setImageWithAssetURL:(NSURL *)url withResolution:(PBAssetImageResolution)resolution;

It provides

  • An UIImageView category adding asset image fetch to the Cocoa Touch framework
  • An asynchronous image asset fetcher
  • A guarantee that main thread will never be blocked
  • Performances!
  • Use GCD and ARC
  • Use NSOpearation


You can view the PBImagePicker which is an instagram style image picker built on this framework.


Ethon Qee(vitasone(AT)gmail.com)
