- Provide template for others to use for simple mobx + inferno projects
- Small vendor bundle size (currently ~36kB gzip, smaller than react-dom + react min bundles ~44.3kB gzip, and this project bundle includes mobx state-management and my own router built on http-hash)
- (async code split components still WIP) Setup aims to provide simple routing and code split async loaded views (using webpack + mobx + http-hash for routing)
- (WIP) Server-side rendering using Koa 2 and easy pre-rendering for simple static pages via inferno-server renderToString
- (Adding support as components are utilized) material-components-web integration for clean styling
For development:
npm run dev
For production build:
npm run build
For testing in browser:
npm run test:dev
For testing in node:
npm run test
For linting:
npm run lint
For lint auto corrections:
npm run lint:fix