required or desired knowledge, skills:

  1. golang
  2. dependecny injection
  3. restful api
  4. SOLID stands -Single responsibility principle -Open-closed principle -Liskov substitution principle -Interface segregation principle -Dependency inversion principle
  5. TDD

👨‍💻 Full list what has been used:

  • gin - Go web framework
  • zap - Go logger
  • viper - Go load config
  • gomock - Go mocking framework
  • GORM - Go connection to postgreSQL

Instructions for use:

  • make container
docker compose up 
  • than the api and db will be ready!

  • if error message show as follow

standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: no such file or directory
  • set the shell file newline symbol to LF