Piano LED Visualizer

contributions welcome

Everything Is AWESOME

What you need:

Not required but worth to have to make everything look neat:

  • Custom 3d printed case (I attached STL file with modified 3d model, there is additional space and holes for power socket and wires, here is original model)

  • Braid for cables Amazon US | Aliexpress

  • Heat shrink bands Amazon US | Aliexpress

  • Aluminium LED Profile with diffuser (highly recommend to search for right one in local shops)

  • Double side tape to mount everything on piano

  • Windows 10 laptop/tablet with bluetooth to run Synthesia

Total cost (excluding piano and tablet) should be 75-100 USD

Connecting LED Strip to Raspberry Pi and enabling SPI

There is no point to reinvent the wheel again, here is a nice tutorial

If you are wondering how to connect wires to RPI if screen hat is taking all pins here is a picture of how I did it. There should be a gap between RPI and screen so you can solder your wires or just wrap cables around the pins and separate them with heat shrink bands.

You also need to enable SPI

Setting Raspberry Pi as Bluetooth MIDI host

Same as above, here is instruction Just do following parts and skip the others:

  • configuring automatic midi connection
  • midi bluetooth setup

If you have problems with connecting your PC to RPI try to add

DisablePlugins = pnat

To /etc/bluetooth/main.conf file. You will have to restart RPI after making this change.

If you still have problems with connecting your Windows tablet/pc try to install Blueman, graphical bluetooth manager

sudo apt-get install blueman

Running Visualizer

Download or clone this repository into your RPI. Using PIP install all libraries listed in requirements.txt file Run visualizer.py with command

sudo -E python visualizer.py

Learning to play with Synthesia

As of today Synthesia doesn't support MIDI via Bluetooth, it should be added in next update. There is official workaround, you have to replace dll file. Instruction You also have to enable light support in Synthesia. In Visualizer settings you have to change "input" to RPI Bluetooth. After that when learning new song next-to-play keys will be illuminated in corresponding colors, blue for left hand and green for right hand.

Putting everything together

After connecting all cables as described above everything should fit nicely to case. If you don't have a 3d printer (like me) try to find some company or private person who will print it for you. I paid 12USD for my print.

Using the sequences

In the visualizer menu you can find setting called "Sequences". It allows you to change led properties while playing using third key on Waveshare hat or your piano pedals. You can edit or create new sequences by editing "sequences.xml" file. The "control_number" defines which pedal is used to go to the next step.

Control number Pedal name
64 Damper Pedal (Sustain/Hold) On/Off
65 Portamento On/Off
66 Sostenuto On/Off
67 Soft Pedal On/Off

The "next_step" value decide if next step is activated when you press or release the pedal. For example if you want to change settings after fully pressing Sostenuto pedal you should write it like:


127 is the maximum value when pedal is fully pressed, so you are saying to script to change settings when value is bigger than 126. This is how it should look when you want to change settings when fully releasing pedal.


(-) before the number means that next step will be activated when pedal value is below 1

You can also use sequences as a way to save your presets under custom names.

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