
All you need to organize a ScalaBridge event

ScalaBridge Workshop

ScalaBridge workshop is intended to reach out to all underrepresented populations who are interested in learning Scala.

Note: You do not have to be a woman to be underrepresented in tech. Diversity comes in many forms: race, gender, age, religion, culture, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, etc. If at any point, you feel excluded from any ScalaBridge event, please do not hesisate to reach out to me @yifan_xing_e.

What is a ScalaBridge workshop?

ScalaBridge workshops are usually one-day long events, which will take students through the basics of functional programming in Scala using Creative Scala tutorial. By the end of the workshop, students will have built several doodles using Creative Scala, have a basic understanding of functional programming, and a grasp of Scala fundamentals.

Why should you organize a ScalaBridge workshop?

One of the best ways to grow the community and to bring diversity into the community is to organize ScalaBridge workshops.

How to organize a ScalaBridge workshop?

It is not difficult at all to become a workshop organize. Simply follow the following steps:

  1. Find A Date for The Workshop
  2. Invite Mentors
  3. Find Sponsorship (Food & Space)
  4. Promote The Event
  5. Event Reminders
  6. Workshop Day
  7. Post Workshop

ScalaBridge can be organized with/ without a conference. The optimal & recommended time to start the above process for organizing the event is 3 months before the event date.

The above process is recommended, however, not required. You're welcome to follow your own steps if preferred.

Other Bridge Events Organizing Resources: