This version is based on Android 10.0.0 Release 5.
- Customer - Allwinner
- Supported platform - Orange Pi Plus 2E
Location | Repo Link | Branch/Tags |
external/mesa3d | repo | refs/tags/OrangePlus2e_AndroidQ_preview3 |
external/uboot | repo | refs/tags/v2019.10-rc3 |
external/gbm_gralloc | repo | db36c0033e29d0bb98553f790c397f89dcd1d1e2 |
external/tinyhal | repo | 3c3e49e2383004b9115216048320f9648db3b360 |
device/allwinner | repo | refs/tags/OrangePlus2e_AndroidQ_preview3 |
kernel/allwinner | repo | refs/tags/OrangePlus2e_AndroidQ_preview2 |
prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/gcc-linaro_arm-linux-gnueabihf | repo | refs/tags/OrangePlus2e_AndroidQ_preview1 |
kernel/allwinner-modules/rtl8189ES_linux | repo | fix-ap-crash-pr |
prebuilts/allwinner | repo | regs/tags/OrangePlus2e_AndroidQ_preview4 |
For Android build you need to set up your local work environment according Google's recommendations. Probably You need to install additional packets.
sudo apt-get install swig lz4 repo python-dev python3-dev libssl-dev flex bison
pip install Mako
mkdir -p ${ANDROID_ROOT}
repo init -u -b refs/tags/OrangePlus2e_AndroidQ_preview3 -m ssh.xml
repo sync -cq
repo init -u -b refs/tags/OrangePlus2e_AndroidQ_preview3 -m https.xml
repo sync -cq
export NUM_JOBS=$(($(grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)*2))
. ./build/
lunch orangepi_plus2e-userdebug
make -j${NUM_JOBS} 2>&1 | tee ../android_build.log
For sdcard image build You can use existed target:
make sdcard
Please use sdcard.img (out/target/product/plus2e/sdcard.img) for flashing to SD Card (Please replace X for a correct letter in sdX).
export card=/dev/sdX
dd if=out/target/product/plus2e/sdcard.img of=${card} bs=4096