
Primary LanguageJava


Description: Performs DB operations on SQL server or Oracle DB

Depending on the type of connections you need (SQL Server or Oracle) call either

DBActivity sql = new SQLActivity(dburl, username, password); or

DBActivity oracle = new OracleActivity(dburl, username, password);

The methods are the same for each instance. Will use sql as an example for the following code.


To insert single record:

int[] result = sql.insert(String tableName, String[] keys, Object[] values);

tableName = the table name in the DB

Keys = the column you want to insert into

Values = the new values associated with the column

To insert multiple records:

int[] results = sql.insert(String tableName, String[] keys, Object[][] values);

Values = 2D array to take more than 1 pair values to insert

To update single record:

int result = sql.update(String tableName, String [] keys, Object[] values, String[][] condition, String intermediate);

tableName = the table name in the DB

Keys = the column you want to update

Values = the new value associated with the column

Condition = the "WHERE CLAUSE".

Intermediate = the conjunction when you have more than 1 condition

for example:

SQL: update ... where ID = 50 AND ID_2 = 100

you would put condition = new String[][]{{"ID", "50"}, {"ID_2", "100"}}

intermediate = "AND"

To update multiple records:

int[] results = sql.update(String tableName, String[] keys, Object[][] values, String condition_field, String[] condition_vals)

Values = 2D array to take in more than 1 pair of values to update

Condition_vals = an array to take in different condition values.

To delete single record:

int result = sql.delete(String tableName, String[] keys, Object[] values, String condition)

tableName = the table name in DB

keys = condition column in the WHERE CLAUSE

values = the value associated with the column

condition = intermediate if you have more than 1 key

for example: delete from table where A = 5 AND B = 6

keys = new String[]{"A", "B"}

values = new Object[]{"5", "6"}

condition = "AND"

To delete multiple records:

int[] results = sql.delete(String tableName, String[] keys, Object[][] values, String condition)

values = 2D array to take in more than 1 pair of values

To select:

ResultSet r = sql.select(String tableName, String[] choices, Object[][] conditions, String logic)

tableName = table name in DB

choices = the columns you want to select

conditions = WHERE clause

logic = "AND" or "OR"

for example: select A from table where id=5 AND id_2 = 6

choices = new String[]{"A"}

conditions = new Object[][]{{"ID", "5"}, {"ID_2","6"}}

logic = "AND"


ResultSet r = sql.executeQuery(String sql);

sql is the complete SQL query

To getRowCount:

int totalRows = sql.getRowCount(String statement);

statement is the complete SQL query

for example: select count(*) from table ...

To close connection object
