
Algorithmic word solver for the mobile game Wordbase, written in Java.

Primary LanguageJava

Wordfind by Andy Tu

A word solver for the mobile game Wordbase.


Download the zip file from the release page. Extract all contents into the same directory. Click "launch.bat" to start the program. Run "launch.bat" as admin if Windows prevents you from running the batch script. If problems with launching the program still persists, try installing the latest Java runtime.

Commands Available:

help - displays this help menu.

solve - Show longest words you can play. Relative increase towards opponent base is shown.

next - display next 20 solutions.

back - display last 20 solutions.

analyzeBestReach - show best words that allow for maximum distance gain towards opponent's base.

analyzePosition - show words closest to opponent's base.

analyzeWin - show words that allow you to win - processing may take time.

analyzeOpponent - show words the opponent can potentially win with and their respective rows.

analyzePoint - show all words you can play from a specific letter, determined by X-Y coordinates. Coordinates must be inputed in the following format: a b where a and b are positive integers separated by a space character. No parentheses should be inputted and the coordinate system is always the same regardless which side your base is on. The X-Y coordinates start from 0 to 9 for x-axis and 0 to 12 for y-axis. Examples: 0 0 is always bottom left, 9 12 is always top right, 2 5 is the letter N in the sample board below.

analyzeCutoff - show all words that traverse through the specified point. Useful for finding words to cut people off. Coordinates are inputed the same format as in analyzePoint above. For finding words that traverse through multiple points, you must use a comma , to separate the coordinates. An example of analyzing a single coordinate would be inputing 2 4. An example of analyzing multiple coordinates would be 4 5, 6 4.

setBoard - set board file to build from; txt file must be in the folder files.

setDictionary - select either English dictionary or French dictionary. Default is English.

quit - end program.


Rows are always counted from the base (Yours or the Opponent's). Base row = 1

Board Formatting

Boards must be formatted as such:

  1. First line is <# of columns> <# of rows>, separated by spaces.

  2. Starting from the top row, type out letters of the actual game board, with each row separated by a nextline.

  3. Capitalize each letter you have access to. This means your base will be entirely capitalized.

Sample board:

10 13

In the above sample board, the user's base is at the bottom, and is player blue. Letters the user has access to, outside of the base, are D, A, N, V, T, I, E, A.

Capitalized letters must be updated with each round of moves.