Greenfield Zoomer

Demo image

Installing on your local system

  • Clone from github

  • Create a virtual environment (I'm using Python 3.6)

  • Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Use PyInstaller to create a distribution using the zoomer.spec file for instructions

pyinstaller zoomer.spec

How to use

copy the dist folder to your computer. I created a shortcut to the exe file within that folder and put it on my desktop. THe first time you run the exe, you'll be asked the below:

Demo image

Useful info

  • using PyInstaller which hopefully means app will work on PC, MAC or Linux, with an easy installation.

Best to take care of the following

  • Best we don't add teachers' zoom creds to our git repo ;)

Things to do

  • GUI. Perhaps a grid of teachers' faces
  • Figure out how to make a file for circulation
  • Cross platform support?