
A Python-based Telegram bot designed to monitor various Ethereum contract events, record them into a PostgreSQL database, and send statistics reports to a Telegram group. This application uses libraries such as for Ethereum blockchain interaction, python-telegram-bot for Telegram bot functionality, and SQLAlchemy for database operations.


  • Modular Event Monitoring: Configurable monitoring of multiple Ethereum contract events.
  • Database Recording: Storing event data in a PostgreSQL database for historical tracking and analysis.
  • Automated Reporting: Generating and sending detailed reports for each monitored event to a Telegram group at scheduled intervals.

Getting started


  • Python 3.x
  • PostgreSQL
  • Telegram Bot API
  • An Ethereum node accessible via HTTPS


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

  2. Install pip install virtualenv and create a virtual environment virtualenv venv

  3. Activate the virtual environment. Windows: venv\Scripts\activate Linux/macOS: source venv/bin/activate

  4. Install required Python libraries with pip install -r requirements.txt (ensure you have pip installed).

  5. Set up your environment variables and update the .env file with your database URI, Telegram bot token, Ethereum node URL, and Telegram group ID. Ensure to also configure the EVENTS_CONFIG in src/ with the events you want to monitor, specifying each event's name, contract address, ABI, whether it is active, and other necessary details as per the updated structure.

  6. You can start the application as:
    python to fetch events from the last known block number in the DB for all active events. python 154366 to start the application from a specific block number for all active events. python 0 to rewrite all event history in the DB for all active events.

  7. To see program logs, check the app.log and telegram.log files in the project root directory if FILE_LOGGING is enabled.

Telegram Report

The application automatically sends reports to the configured Telegram group at scheduled intervals for each active event. Ensure your .env file is correctly set up with the TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN and TELEGRAM_GROUP_ID. To schedulre report install if necessary crontab and run crontab -e and set cron * * * * * python /path/to/your/

Customizing Event Monitoring and Reporting

  • To add or modify the events being monitored, update the EVENTS_CONFIG in src/ For each event, you can specify the contract address, ABI, database table name, and other relevant settings.
  • Implement custom event parsing logic by creating subclasses of EventParser in src/ for each event type. This allows for flexible handling of different event data structures.
  • Customize report generation by implementing subclasses of ReportGenerator in src/ for each event type. This enables tailored reports for different events, including specific calculations and formatting.


For testing run pytest from your terminal


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