
It tries to show you words if you are willing to authenticate

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Connects with fifty_fifty via token authentication
  • Depends on FIFTY_FIFTY_HOST and FIFTY_FIFTY_AUTH_TOKEN environment variables being set
  • Single /home endpoint
  • WordService class wraps the connection with fifty_fifty
  • WordService#get_word attempts to get a word
    • It will retry up to 15 times for up to 3 seconds
    • Fires parallel requests to increate likelihood of getting a successful response in less than 3 seconds
    • If fifty_fifty returns a 401, it will raise a NotAuthorizedError
    • If it only receives a series of 500's for three seconds, it will bail and raise a ServiceUnavailableError with a code of 503
  • The user will reliably either see the word returned by the service, or an error and a code.
  • Unit tests on WordService and Capybara Integration tests in the /test folder