Serverless React Graphql

This README has not yet been tested by a new user. Tf you try following these steps and run into trouble please let me know so I can update.

Pre Setup

  • npm i -g serverless
  • set up a personal profile in ~/.aws/credentials
  • sls login


  • clone and cd and yarn
  • Change the service property in serverless.yml to something unique and delete the app and org properties.
  • sls to add in your own app and org

To deploy

  • yarn deploy:dev|qa|prod

The very first time you deploy a stage, you actually need to run this command twice. The first time creates the resources, the second one builds the FE with the right environment variables after the resources exist.

The app should deploy to http://<service-name>-<stage>

To run locally

  • yarn dev

You need to have deployed dev at least once for this to work.