
React components for Leaflet maps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React components for Leaflet maps.

Work in progress

In development, use at your own risks.
Tests and documentation still being worked on.


npm install react-leaflet

React and Leaflet are peer dependencies, if you haven't already installed them use:

npm install leaflet react react-leaflet

Getting started

All components are React wrappers for Leaflet elements and layers, they need a map instance and therefore must be included in a top-level <Map> component.

Leaflet example

import L from "leaflet";

const position = [51.505, -0.09];
const map = L.map("map").setView(position, 13);

L.tileLayer("http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
  attribution: '&copy; <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

  .bindPopup("A pretty CSS3 popup. <br> Easily customizable.");


import React from "react";
import {Map, Marker, Popup, TileLayer} from "react-leaflet";

const position = [51.505, -0.09];
const map = <Map center={position} zoom={13}>
    attribution='&copy; <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
  <Marker position={position}>
      <span>A pretty CSS3 popup.<br/>Easily customizable.</span>

React.render(map, document.getElementById("map-container"));

Note that the <Map> component creates its own <div> container for the map, it does not get attached to an existing node.

Known limitations

  • At this point, not all layers are implemented and even less tested.
  • Properties on most components are static: they are set during the first render but not updated when the component updates. Check the documentation and source code to know what properties are dynamic.



LatLng: One of [Number, Number], {lat: Number, lng: Number} or {lat: Number, lon: Number}.

LatLngList: An Array of LatLng.

Bounds: An instance of Leaflet.LatLngBounds or a LatLngList.


Leaflet exposes its own events, different from React. You can listen to them using React-Leaflet by adding a callback to a property prefixed by onLeaflet or simply on. Ex: <Map onLeafletMoveend={this.handleMoveend}>...</Map>.
Check Leaflet documentation for the events associated to each component.


The properties documented for each component are the ones aimed to be supported (tested and made dynamic when possible) by React-Leaflet.
All other properties are passed as the options argument to their corresponding Leaflet element and should work fine for static maps, it is however unlikely that they would updated if you change them afterwards.

You can directly access the Leaflet element created by a component using the leafletElement property on this component. This leaflet element is usually created in componentWillMount(), except for the Map component where it can only be created after the <div> container is rendered.

Base components

These components are base classes used by other components. They can be extended to create custom components but should not be used directly.


Base class extending React.Component and handling events binding and unbind.
It exposes a getLeafletElement() method to access the Leaflet object created for the component.


Base class extending MapComponent using the provided map prop to add its element and passing it down to its children.


Base class extending MapLayer with a render() method and handling a TitleLayer opacity and zIndex props.


Base class extending MapLayer with a render() method passing its leafletElement to its children as the popupContainer prop.


This is the top-level component that must be mounted for children ones to be rendered. Refer to Leaflet documentation for more information about the properties.


  • center (optional LatLng, dynamic): Center of the map. This property is dynamic, if you change it it will be reflected in the map.
  • id (optional String): The ID of the <div> container for the map. If you don't provide it, a unique one will be created.
  • maxBounds (optional Bounds)
  • maxZoom (optional Number)
  • minZoom (optional Number)
  • zoom (optional Number, dynamic)

UI Layers

  • position (required LatLng, dynamic)

The Popup children will be rendered as its content using React.renderToStaticMarkup(), they must be valid React elements.

  • position (optional LatLng, dynamic)

Raster Layers

  • url (required String, dynamic)
  • opacity (optional Number, dynamic)
  • zIndex (optional Number, dynamic)
  • url (required String, dynamic)
  • opacity (optional Number, dynamic)
  • attribution (optional String)
Implemented but needing testing and documentation
  • CanvasTileLayer
  • WMSTileLayer

Vector Layers

  • center (required LatLng, dynamic)
  • radius (required Number, dynamic)
  • center (required LatLng, dynamic)
  • radius (optional Number, dynamic)
  • positions (required LatLngList, dynamic)
  • polylines (required Array of LatLngList, dynamic)
  • positions (required LatLngList, dynamic)
  • polygons (required Array of LatLngList, dynamic)
  • bounds (required Bounds, dynamic)

Other Layers

Implemented but needing testing and documentation
  • FeatureGroup
  • GeoJson


v0.4.1 (06/04/15)

  • Removed getLeafletElement() deprecation.
  • Updated Babel to v5.

v0.4.0 (28/03/15)

Released v0.4.

v0.4.0-rc.1 (11/03/15)

React 0.13.0.

v0.4.0-beta.1 (08/03/15)

  • Updated React dependency to 0.13.0-rc2:
    • Components are defined as ES6 classes.
    • Mixins are replaced by the base components MapComponent, MapLayer, BaseTileLayer and PopupContainer. All components extend from these.
    • The new React.cloneElement() API is used instead of the deprecated React.addons.cloneWithProps() to pass the map property to the components.
    • The map property has been removed from the components propTypes definition as it is dynamically injected to its children by the Map component, React would now warn it is not set. It is still required by components to have access to the Leaflet object.
  • Events can now be set as on{Event} rather than onLeaflet{Event}, ex onClick instead of onLeafletClick, as all events are proxied to Leaflet.
  • Deprecated getLeafletElement() method, simply use the leafletElement property instead to access the Leaflet object created for a component.


See LICENSE file.