
Implementation of the built-in thread library for C language, including support for Semaphore API and TPS API.

Primary LanguageC

User-level thread library (2) The goal of this project is to extend threads library implemented last time to support more features, by additionally implementing two independent parts:

semaphore: a synchronized system for using as a lock or a variable thread protected storage: a private storage space in each thread if requested Implementation Semaphore Semaphores are a way to control the access to common resources by multiple threads. To keep track of the number of available resource, a semaphore maintains an internal count, which can be initialized to a certain positive value when the semaphore is created.

Supported operations A waiting queue is maintained in the library to control the access to the common resource.

create: sem_t sem_create(size_t count) creates a semaphore with a count taken in as an initialized common resource, but must be a non-negative number and returns the pointer to newly created semaphore. destroy: int sem_destroy(sem_t sem) destroys the given semaphore and free the allocated memory, and returns 0 if destroyed successfully; -1 otherwise. up: int sem_up(sem_t sem) increments the common resource by 1. It will free the next thread in the waiting queue if there is any, since the common resource for the threads in the waiting queue are now available. The function returns -1 if @sem is null, 0 otherwise. down: int sem_down(sem_t sem) is assumed to decrement the common resource by 1. However, if there is no resources at all, the thread will be blocked and put into the waiting queue and start waiting their share of common resources. The function returns -1 if @sem is null, 0 otherwise. get_value: int sem_getvalue(sem_t sem, int *sval) gets the call the number of common resources that is maintained in the semaphore and put into @sval. The function returns -1 if @sem or @sval is null, 0 otherwise. Atomicity Please note all operations described above with semaphore is atomic since shared resources might cause race issues and semaphore is used to get rid of the race issue. In this way, the thread will enter critical section when it calls any of above functions and exit critical section after they have done anything sensitive, including blocking and unblocking threads for the waiting queue and adding/taking 1 to/from the resources.

Starvation In the operation up, if there is some threads in the waiting queue. Only one thread (first in the queue) will be unblocked, so it is guaranteed this thread will receive this unit of resource, instead of unblocking all threads in the waiting queue, in which case, these threads will start to compete one unit of resources and all keep starving expect the luck one which gets the resource.

Thread protected space Normally, threads of a same process all share the same memory address space . It is a good practice, but sometimes some threads want to have some "secret place" for their data, and do not allow others to modify them. Thread protected storage (a.k.a TPS) is created upon this demand.

Supported operations A HashMap is implemented and maintained in order to speed up efficiency and link thread id and their corresponding TPS in the library. Please refer to @data structures for more details.

init: int tps_init(int segv) will initialized the map and error handler if specified. It will return -1 if map has already been initialized or any memory failure happens, 0 otherwise. It is expected for the user to call this function before the user proceed to use any operations described below. create: int tps_create(void) will create a tps area for current thread . It will return -1 if the current thread has a TPS or creation failure, 0 otherwise. The TPS created has no access from anyone. destroy: int tps_destroy(void) will destroy TPS linked by current thread in the map. It will return -1 if the current thread doesn't has a TPS or, 0 otherwise. read: int tps_read(size_t offset, size_t length, void *buffer) will take in an offset and a length to read from its own TPS and copy to buffer . When being read, TPS will have a temporary read access opened. The function returns 0 if read succeeds; -1 if current thread doesn't have a TPS or offset + length is out of bound. write: int tps_write(size_t offset, size_t length, void *buffer) will copy the buffer to TPS by a offset and length. When being read, TPS will have a temporary write access opened. The function returns 0 if write succeeds; -1 if current thread doesn't have a TPS or offset + length is out of bound. clone: int tps_clone(pthread_t tid) will perform lazy clone. The space of TPS of current TPS will not created if the current TPS perform reading all the time. The current thread keeps reading the information in the TPS of the target @tid. Until current thread tries to write something to the TPS, its own thread will be created and copy everything from the target TPS. It will eventually save much heap space for the program. The function returns -1 if current thread already has a TPS or target thread doesn't have a TPS, 0 otherwise. Please refer to section test and run for more information how these operations will be tested.

Atomicity The supported operations are also atomic since data in TPS is sensitive and might cause race issues. The functions will also enter and exit critical section.

Data structures Queue A queue is used in each semaphore object to serve as a waiting list for any thread tries to get unavailable resources.

The queue is implemented last time of uthread library, and the underlying structure is LinkedList. Files queue.h, queue.c, LinkedListNode.h, and LinkedListNode.c are also provided. Please refer to these documents if more information is needed.

HashMap A chaining based HashMap is implemented in order to improve efficiency in TSP against queue.

The HashMap is dynamically resized when 80% of the space is full to avoid collision and improve efficiency.

The HashMap is designed to used in this library, so generics is not supported. It has fixed pair entry as <Key: pthread_t, Value: tps_t object>

Basic operations create: map_t HashMap_create() add: int HashMap_add(map_t map, pthread_t tid, void* tps) adds a key -value pair into the map. Rejected (return -1) if key already in the map. remove: int HashMap_remove(map_t map, pthread_t tid) removes a key-value pair based on the key. Rejected if key not in map get: void* HashMap_get(map_t map, pthread_t tid) gets the value based on the given key. Rejected (returns null) if key not in map. size: int HashMap_size(map_t map) returns the size of map. Rejected if map is null getKeys: pthread_t* HashMap_getKeys(map_t map) returns an array of keys (pthread_t). Rejected (returns null) if map is null. getValues: void** HashMap_getValues(map_t map) return an array of values . Rejected (returns null) if map is null. destroy: int HashMap_destroy(map_t map) frees the memory allocated for the map. Rejected (returns -1) if map is null. WARNING: operations are not thread-safe.

Time complexity comparison with Queue Operations Queue HashMap search for a pthread_t O(n) O(1) add a pthread_t O(1) O(1) remove a pthread_t O(n) O(1) get all pthread_t O(n) O(n) HashMap is evaluated with average time instead of worst time.

TPS_t a customized object encapsulate void* page pointer to the TPS and an object to clone flag for lazy cloning.

Test and Run Run A Makefile has been provided along with source code. The Makefile uses all flags as specified by the prompt. Use make to compile the library libuthread.a. Use the library in any code and link the libuthread.a when compiling. After running, use make clean to remove intermediate files and the library.

Test Test for HashMap Instead of several unit tests, a comprehensive test file is created , including all external operations and inner methods like chaining, resizing . Please refer to HashMap_tester.c for more details

Test for semaphore All provided test cases has passed. We try to modify the given input and they all work as expected.

Test for TPS A total of 14 testing programs are written to test our TPS implementation . There are four major criteria that we want to test our TPS with. First, we want to ensure that our TPS behaves as intended and doesn't crash when provided with erroneous cases, such as cases when client tries to access TPS before creation, recreate a TPS that is already created and not yet destroyed , accessing via invalid offset, or destroy a TPS before it is even created . Second, we make sure our TPS implementation can handle various input, and is generic enough to accept any type of data, such as unsigned char, double, and integers. Third, we have programs to test the TPS with simple use scenario (such as create a TPS, write data into it, then read and compare with original data) and with complex usage scenario (such as Thread B cloning an existing TPS and check it can read same data as original). Lastly, we have program that ensures TPS protection works as intended, by intentionally triggering violation error with illegal access and checking if error is caught.