
Steam API wrapper with typescript support

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Typescript Steam API

GitHub npm


npm install @andzno1/type-steamapi

or if you are using yarn

yarn add @andzno1/type-steamapi


If you are using typescript, you don't need to install any type definitions, since this package is created with typescript


API key

Once installed, you would need to get Steam API key from Steam Developer Platform

Creating an instance

After receiving an API key, you would need to create an instance of SteamAPI class, imported as a default from package.

WARNING: You should never pass your API key directly as a string! Use environmental variables instead!

import SteamAPI from 'type-steamapi';

const steam = new SteamAPI({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    cache: {
      enabled:  true,
      expiresIn:  1000  *  60  *  5  // 5 min

By default cache is enabled and expires in 5 minutes. However, if you want to overwrite this behaviour, you can add cache property to configuration object.


Now you can call methods on SteamAPI instance. Lets try a few things.

Fetching user ID

const steamid = await steam.resolve('https://steamcommunity.com/id/tekkenthuuug/');


// Output: 76561198129961822

Fetching user owned games

const  userOwnedGames  =  await steam.getUserOwnedGames(steamid);


// Output:
// [OwnedGame {
//    name: 'Broken Dreams',
//    appId: 444480,
//    playtimeTotal: 222,
//    playtime2weeks: 0,
//    imgIconUrl: 'https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/444480/ab25220f8ae0432881195c8532776e634922bb7f.jpg',
//    imgLogoUrl: 'https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/444480/fa699b3f546806db99c4f8f9b5078224ca606893.jpg'
// }, ...]


When enabling cache, responses for getAppDetails and resolve methods would be cached. If there would be another request when key found in cache and haven't expired yet, response would be returned from cache.


All interfaces, types, and classes could be accessed.

import  { OwnedGame }  from  'type-steamapi'