
Code for AWS resources for my CV website

Primary LanguageCSS

Cloud resume challenge

To deploy SAM template to stack:

sam build
sam deploy

Upload index and website files to bucket

aws s3 cp static/. s3://anebz/ --recursive

Now these steps are done through Github Actions 🚀


Removing front-end resources from template because some things can't be done via code:

  1. S3: create bucket and upload files (via template)
  2. Route 53: create domain, which creates hosted zone
    1. We will need A type route and CNAME type route
  3. Certificate Manager: create certificate for domain
    1. Request public certificate: SSL/TLS
    2. Select domain
    3. DNS validation
    4. When the certificate says: pending approval or similar, click on the create Record on Route 53. This will create CNAME route
  4. Cloudfront distribution: create distribution
    1. Origin domain: select the S3 suggestion but instead of BUCKETNAME.s3.REGION.amazonaws.com, change it to BUCKETNAME.s3-website.REGION.amazonaws.com
    2. Viewer protocol policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
    3. Alternate domain name (CNAME): add the domain name
    4. Custom SSL certificate: add the certificate from the suggestions
    5. Leave HTTP/s enabled
    6. Leave IPv6 On
    7. Create, it takes some minutes to deploy
    8. After this, an A type route is created in the hosted zone from Route 53
  5. Go to the domain name and you should see that the website has HTTPS