
This repository contains the code for SMPL body estimators for the COCO and AMASS 3D keypoint body structures.

Primary LanguagePython

Getting started

This code has been assembled from the following 3 repositories:

  1. COCO to SMPL Estimator: https://github.com/google/aistplusplus_api
  2. Visualize 3D Keypoints: https://github.com/Daniil-Osokin/lightweight-human-pose-estimation-3d-demo.pytorch
  3. SMPL-to-FBX: https://github.com/softcat477/SMPL-to-FBX.git

The code has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and requires:

  1. Python 3.7
  2. Conda
  3. CUDA capable GPU

Setup for keypoints visualizer

Set up the Anaconda environment:

conda create -n VisDemo python=3.7
conda activate VisDemo

Visualize 3D Keypoints

cd lightweight-human-pose-estimation-3d-demo.pytorch 
python plot_AIST_Keypoints.py --joints ../aist_sample.npy

COCO 3D Body Keypoints to SMPL Estimation

conda create -n COCO_Estimator python=3.7
conda activate COCO_Estimator

Further steps:

  1. Download SMPL body model: https://download.is.tue.mpg.de/download.php?domain=smpl&sfile=SMPL_python_v.1.0.0.zip and place the "m" body as SMPL_MALE.pkl in COCO_to_SMPL_Estimation/smpl_body/
  2. Replace aist_plusplus_api-1.1.0-py3.7.egg in the created Anaconda env in site-packages/ with the one provided in this repository
  3. Place the aist_sample.pkl in the COCO_to_SMPL_Estimation/keypoints_dir/keypoints3d

Command to estimate:

python processing/run_estimate_smpl.py --anno_dir ./keypoints_dir/ --smpl_dir ./smpl_body/ --save_dir ./keypoints_dir/motions/ --data_type internal

SMPL Motion to FBX

conda create -n FBX python=3.7
conda activate FBX

Setting up Python FBX:

  1. Download Python FBX SDK: https://www.autodesk.com/developer-network/platform-technologies/fbx-sdk-2020-3
  2. Extract from the folder
  3. Run and extract the FBX files into your directory (Eg. MY_FBX_FILES)
  4. Copy the files to site-packages of the conda env

Further steps:

  1. Download the SMPL fbx model for Unity from: https://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de/
  2. Place inside SMPL-to-FBX

Run code:

python3 Convert.py --input_pkl_base Pkls/aist_downsampled.pkl --fbx_source_path ./SMPL_m_unityDoubleBlends_lbs_10_scale5_207_v1.0.0.fbx --output_base ./