
Repository containing the deliverable for Milestone 1 for CSC DevOps Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#CSC 591/791 Milestone-1
##Team members

  1. Krishna Teja Dinavahi (kdinava)
  2. Aneesh Kher (aakher)
  3. Anurag Shendge (ashendg)


Krishna Teja Dinavahi
  	1. Setup Jenkins
  	2. Wrote main.js to access the RESTful API
  	3. email configuration
  	4. Readme.md
Aneesh Kher
  	1. Setup Jenkins
  	2. Post commit hook and email configuration
  	3. Screencast
  	4. Readme.md
Anurag Sadanand Shendge
  	1. Setup Jenkins
  	2. branch specific build and email configuration	
  	3. Readme.md
  	4. Screencast

###Project used to test the builds jbehave forked from this link

JBehave is a collection of extension for JBehave that extend its capabilities in ways related to HTTP and the web. We forked this application and using it to test our builds.

###Build Setup

We installed Tomcat, Jenkins, git, and maven on our local machine. We used the follwing plugins in Jenkins:
1. Github Plugin: The github plugin helps us to use our repo by specifying git clone url for build process
2. Mailer Plugin: The mailer plugin is used to send emails from Jenkins to notify about the build status

Build section

1. Ability to trigger a build in response to git commit via git post-commit hook

Post Commit contents: We used a perl script in the post commit file to trigger the build on either 'dev' or 'release' branches

my $branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`;
print "Committing to branch $branch\n";

my $curlString;

if ($branch eq "release") {
	$curlString = 'curl -s "http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/M1-release/buildWithParameters?token=build-release&branch=release"';
} elsif ($branch eq "dev") {
	$curlString = 'curl -s "http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/M1-dev/buildWithParameters?token=build-dev&branch=dev"';
print "Sending curl string: $curlString\n";

2. The ability to execute a build job via a script or build manager (e.g., shell, maven), which ensures a clean build each time.

As jbehave is a Java application, we installed maven and integrated it with Jenkins to ensure a clean build each time. pom.xml was provided by Authors of jbehave.

3. The ability to determine failure or success of a build job and trigger an external event [email]

For this task, we configured the email plugin on Jenkins. Here are a few screenshots that demonstrate some of the configuration.


Another screenshot showing more configuration


4. The ability to have multiple jobs corresponding to multiple branches in a repository

We added one job in Jenkins which corresponds to each job in git. The post-commit git hook will get the current branch on which the commit is made and will trigger the respective job on Jenkins. Each job of jenkins is configured as a parameterized build, which will accept the build string from the git post-commit hook and run the build on the local repository according to that.

Here is a screenshot showing the 'parameterized' field enabled


Another screenshot showing the build trigger configuration in Jenkins


5. The ability to track and display a history of past builds.

The following code snippet helps us dispaly the history of past builds by making a GET request to the REST API provided by Jenkins

var git = require('git-rev');
var needle = require("needle");

var brnc;

var client =
    listBuilds: function( onResponse )
        git.branch(function (str) {
        	needle.get("http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/M1-dev/api/json?pretty=true", onResponse)
        else if(str=="release")
         	needle.get("http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/M1-release/api/json?pretty=true", onResponse)

client.listBuilds(function(error, response)
        var data = response.body;

Here is a screenshot of the list of the builds


###(Click the image below and you will be redirected to YouTube) IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE