First Aid Kit Android application

An Android application that helps users locate their nearest first-aid kit, by implementing Google Maps and storing data on a cloud-based service provided by Firebase. It also focuses on a simplistic approach towards interactions for users using the application. The application employs a user-based system, where users can add and upload first-aid kits that they found. The locations of these kits then became visible to other users, who can use the application to find first-aid kits near to them. Currently, there has been no application or service available that stores first aid kit databases. The released application runs on Android devices with an OS version 5.0 and above.

Getting Started

  • Android Studio needs to be installed and setup on the computer

  • Either the emulator needs to be setup on the Android Studio or any Android device running Android 5.0+ in order to test/ use the application

  • The Permissions Location, Storage and Camera will need to be accepted in order for the application to work, which is done in the application

Accessing the Code

  1. Clone the github Repository or download the files

  2. Once Android Studio is setup (see here

  3. Open project on Android Studio and direct to the downloaded files (code)

Running code via Android Studio

  1. Connect Android device to the PC via USB

    1a. On the smartphone device go to settings

    1b. About Phone

    1c. Tap Android build several times

    1d. Go to developer options

    1e. Enable USB Debugging

  2. Press the play icon on the top right on Android Studio

  3. Choose either your connected Android device or a virtual phone

Installing APK File

  1. Download the APK file which is found on this repository to your Android device

  2. Enable allow unknown sources via settings

  3. Open the APK file and install


Login Details:


password: qmul123

Adding a Fist Aid Kit:

  1. Once logged in, and accepted the disclaimer then press the "+" button on the main screen

  2. Press the camera icon and take a picture of anything around you

  3. Enter any text in the location field

  4. Image editor will appear, crop and rotate as you desire and press ok

  5. You will be taken back to the map screen and a pin point will appear

Viewing a First Aid Kit:

  1. Press the pinpoint that just appeared

  2. The information that you added will appear

  3. downvote or upvote and the total number will iterate

  4. Press direction button and directions / routes will appear

Built With

  • Android Studio - The official IDE for Android development


Anees Imran