Anees Umer DBICUP Web-programming - PHP home assignment This solution was submitted by the stundent named above for a Web-programming assignment. Hereby I declare that the solution is my own work. I did not copy or use solutions from a third party. I did not share this solution with fellow students, and I did not publish it. According to the Academic Regulations for Students (Eötvös Loránd University Organisational and Operati onal Regulations – Volume 2, Section 74/C), a student purporting the intellectual property of others as their own [...] is committing a disciplinary offence. The worst result of a disciplinary offence can be the expulsion of the student.
[x] Main page: displayed (0 pts) [x] Main page: all created polls are displayed (1 pt) [x] Main page: the data about the polls can be seen - poll ID, time of creation, voting deadline (1 pt) [x] Main page: expired polls are displayed seperately, both sections are ordered by the date of creatin g in descending order (newest poll is at the top) (1 pt) [x] Main page: clicking on a poll/button redirects to the voting page (1 pt) [x] Voting page: the data about the given poll are shown - the question text, the possible options, and the submit button saves the vote (2 pts) [x] Voting page: if the voting form is filled properly (an option has been chosen) the user is notified about the successful vote. An error is displayed if the form is sent without selecting an option. (0.5 pts) [x] Poll creation page: the question, the possible options (two or more), the voting deadline can be en tered on the page and the poll (including the time of creation) can be saved (1.5 pts)
[x] Login: error handling (1 pt) [x] Login: successful login (1 pt) [x] Registration form: contains appropriate elements (0.5 pts) [x] Registration form: validation, error messages, keeping the form state (1.5 pt) [x] Registration form: successful registration (0.5 points) [x] Main page: the voting button redirects to the login page if the user is not logged in. The button r edirects to the voting page if the user is logged in. (1 pt) [x] Main page: the button's caption shows whether a vote has been submitted by the user to that poll. (e.g. if there was a vote then change to text to Update/edit vote) (0.5 pt) [ ] Main page: the vote cannot be changed after the deadline and the results are only shown after the d eadline. (1 pt) [x] Admin feature: the admin can log in with the given credentials (0.5 pts) [x] Admin feature: a new poll can ONLY be created by the admin user (0.5 pts) [x] Admin feature: when creating the poll, the admin can determine (using radio or checkbox input) whet her selecting multiple options is allowed (1 pt) [x] Admin feature: the admin user can delete an existing poll (1 pt) [x] Voting page: the voting page shows whether selecting multiple options is allowed and if it is, then multiple options can actually be selected and the votes are saved correctly (2 pts) [ ] Late submission: -0.5 pts / started day!
[ ] Admin feature: the admin user can create groups from the existing users and can assign polls to the groups with one click at the creation of the poll (3 pts) [ ] Admin feature: when the admin user is logged in, an additional button is shown on the main page whe re the admin can edit the data of the poll which is updated in the saved data (2 pts)