Vintage Story modding templates for dotnet

Following templates are included in the package:

Template Name                  Short Name  Language  Tags
-----------------------------  ----------  --------  -------------------
Vintage Story Mod              vsmod       [C#]      Games/Vintage Story             
Vintage Story Mod (.dll only)  vsmoddll    [C#]      Games/Vintage Story 
  • vsmod

    Includes project using Cake build system

  • vsmoddll

    Includes only a basic project and a Sample ModSystem to start modding. Will only output a .dll

Build & and install locally


cd VSModTemplates
dotnet pack


change the below command to use the latest version

dotnet new install .\bin\Release\VintageStory.Mod.Templates.x.x.x.nupkg


dotnet new uninstall VintageStory.Mod.Templates