
The address book API

Primary LanguageJava

Address Book

Application reads the attached AddressBook file and answers on the following questions:

How many males are in the address book?
Who is the oldest person in the address book?
How many days older is Bill than Paul?


Path Method Response Details
http://localhost:8091/contacts/males/count GET 200 Counts males.
http://localhost:8091/contacts/oldest GET 200/404 Tells oldest person.
http://localhost:8091/contacts/{name}/compare/{name} GET 200/404 Tells how many days one contact is older than other. The '{name}' is name search pattern.

Build and run instructions

  • build
./mvnw clean install
  • run JAR
cd code/address-book-daemon/target/
java -jar address-book-daemon-1.0.jar
  • run and stop Docker image
cd code/address-book-daemon/
docker-compose up -d
docker ps
docker-compose stop