
Implementation of coin change solution using Dynamic Programming

Primary LanguageKotlin

Vending Machine

Implementation of vending machine that returns optimal change for a given number of pence. Supports unlimited and limited supply of coins. Available coins are 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p & £1.

Unlimited inventory

Contains coins with unlimited count. To run application with unlimited supply the --unlimited argument should be provided right after application name in command line.

vending-machine --unlimited

Unlimited inventory

Contains coins with limited count. Initial supply is defined in inventory.properties file with format of denomination = count


To run application with limited supply of coins the --limited argument should be provided.

vending-machine --limited

Coins are reduces each time when vending happens and on not enough balance the systems will return insufficient coinage error. Property file gets updated accordingly.

Use case

$ java -jar vending-machine-1.0.jar --unlimited
Welcome to Vending Machine!

Press Ctrl+C to quit..

Enter amount: 1891
The least required coins are 22.
£1x18, 50px1, 20px2, 1px1

Enter amount:

Build instructions

To build a project run

./gradlew build

It will create an executable jar file.