Grab and Go Gadgets


An app for managing equipment lending. An admin user may create new items. A client user can view all available items and whether the can be borrowed. The client must create a user account. A client user may log in and place an item on reserve. An admin user staffing the lending location may then provide the client user with their item. A user can log view their profile to see the items they have reserved.

Technologies used

  • Mongoose
  • Express.js
  • React
  • MongoDb
  • Graphql
  • Apollo Client and Server
  • bcrypt
  • Stripe
  • Json web token
  • Bootstrap-react


  • React Front end
  • Graphql and with Express server
  • MongoDB and Mongoose ORM
  • Responsive design
  • Users can authenticate


Screenshot of gadgets page

Deployed URL

Deployed gadgets url